The online racing simulator
#1 - cuni
RSS\\Road Super Series - Round4

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Road Super Series
WHEN: Tuesday, 31st October, 60 min Qualifying @19:00 CET \\ 25 Lap Race @20:10 CET (35 minutes / 65Km / 40mi)
WHERE: Aston PRO Cadet
WHAT: Pinewood 110


On the next RSS challenge, drivers will come face to face with a design that challenged the laws of physics. It is so lightweight that it was said that its body was made of paint that cloaked it, and nothing than a gust of wind could cause a dent.
The PINEWOOD 110 is nothing short of impressive, except for its 1100 millimetres of height. Its legacy of participations on the Mille Miglia puts this berlinette as one of the greatest pioneers conquering the European Alps mountain range.
The rear drive axle combined with the rear engine mounted on a double wishbone suspension, with its ballerina weight of just 560Kg (1237 lbs), transforms this vehicle as a gazelle around mountainous terrain. The steering is super direct, the diameter of the steering wheel makes it even more challenging considering the driver dwellings are ridiculously small. All drivers must overcome their, own set, fears of pushing the car beyond its limit since there is an enormous amount of grip with a fine line from oversteer.

Tuesday, October 31st
18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - Race start

60 min qualifying – Open Track
25 Laps Race – No pit required - F12 gives you the fuel consumption per lap


Respect BLUE FLAG - You may not deny/block a passing manoeuvre of a faster car and/or try to overtake it right after. During Qualify - stay off racing line and don't disturb drivers on hot lap.!
Respect YELLOW FLAG - Slow down, cars ahead are possibly not pointing forward.
Cars out of track (white lines) must return to track pointing forward in the flow of cars, not perpendicular
No shortcutting in any way. 2 wheels must be inside the white lines.
Be careful while racing, avoid any contacts with other cars. No crashing, ramming or any other unsportsmanlike behaviour at any time.
Drivers with high and/or unstable ping will be asked to leave if not improving it.
No voting for restart/qualification/end race after qualification start (unless command is given to vote for start).
Chatting during the race is not forbidden, but it's distracting for drivers. Use mindfully
Bump drafting is forbidden. If not following this rule, you'll get DSQ from the event

Typical lap

Worth watching

Setup used in lap & layout of the track below, no guarantees
Attached images
Attached files
5E8013_AS1X_ProCadet_R.set - 132 B - 192 views
AS1X_ProCadet.lyt - 6 KB - 152 views