The online racing simulator
Adding roadsign objects
(11 posts, started )
Adding roadsign objects
Small suggestion, since currently the LFS team seems to be working on the small test patch update things.

What if you would add a few roadsigns that can be placed as objects, just like other objects like barriers and chalk?

This can help improve the experience on cruise servers.

Like signs that indicate a direction traffic needs to go like a one-way road or something.

Yea,hold up the lighting update,hold up the new tyre physics,hold up 1000Hz physics and various other updates planned,let's add something what's REAAAAAALLLLLLY necessary for racing simulator - road signs!
It's ridiculous to compare a few traffic signs with lighting and physics updates. If it is really necessary, these signs can already be added. It's not a very difficult thing, but it's strange that you underestimate the project of years (the lighting and graphics project) so much. Let people demand what they want. Ultimately, the decision is made by the development team.

The testing of the lighting and graphics project is a long-term effort and it seems impossible for us to test it this year. There are already so many things in the game that need aesthetic updates. especially mods... they are already working on this issue.
I will be really sad if the developer team comes and writes on this forum. because everyone makes a criticism and developers sometimes respond to these comments. I think we may be the only reason why this game is not developing. Because we distract them by writing nonsense. They have projects they are working on and they definitely get distracted. Maybe I'm doing this too. I even did it while writing this article.
#5 - Pasci
If there were to be a track editor for the community, that would be useful (road signs). Shrug Before that, I don't really see the benefit - especially before the physics/graphics update. As long as the developers are working on two versions, in my opinion any feature requests are pointless and a waste of development time.

Let the developers finish the big update first.
Scawen made some updates of the layout system in 2022 but it is expected to be released after the new tracks & tyre physics.
Quote from Scawen :To be clear, this is all for the development version and cannot be implemented into the current public version. There are still tracks and tyre physics to finish before it can be released.

That's actually cool! I've wanted to do something like this for a "driving lessons" style InSim. Is it still available to download?
Quote from Flame CZE :That's actually cool! I've wanted to do something like this for a "driving lessons" style InSim. Is it still available to download?

The layout and lapper code is available HERE.
Not sure how useful it will be as InSim and lapper have been upgraded a lot since then, and whereas I can get Nodes to work in the current lapper, I can't seem to manage Zones, which is how the original script worked.
Enter Zone | stop script used in previous Zone | start new Zone script.
However, script shows what characters I've used to make sign, along with sizes of characters.
In lapper, something like
openPrivButton( "ne_text",163,68,18,8,1,-1,0,"^0NO ENTRY");
Where 163 = place in from left
68 = place from top
18 = width of character
8 = height of character
1 = character spacing if multi-line
-1 = time to appear (-1 = always. Needs to be closed by script)
0 = background colour (choice of none, light, dark).

For those that have programmed stuff to work with InSim, this is probably obvious stuff, but easy to replicate as all I really did was open a button when you reached a Zone, closed it in the next Zone, while at same time, opening another button.

Used exactly same system, when I made a layout and script to make pace notes -
Attached images
Lapper Traffic Signs.jpg

I think I will try to replicate something similar using my React Node InSim library because I’m not familiar with Lapper.

Do you think I could use your sign buttons in my app? I would credit you of course.
Quote from Flame CZE :...Do you think I could use your sign buttons in my app? ...

Go for it - I made it public so anyone can use it.
I don't need the credit, but thanks for the offer Thumbs up

Adding roadsign objects
(11 posts, started )