The online racing simulator
permission of CHEVASDUMOI
(1 post, started )
permission of CHEVASDUMOI
me: good evening kakutouka, I saw on a 3d's website that a chevette of yours is available for download and use, I would like if it were possible for you to give me permission to play this car in a simulator game, in this case Live Para Speed, in this car I will put all the credits to you, so if you can give me written permission with your name saying that I may be responding to the mod I will be eternally grateful, sincerely. Matheus

Kakutouka: Good evening.
I'm even happy that a mod from over 15 years ago is still pleasing people.
Yes, you can use the car, including other BMT models if you are interested.
Then send me a photo of him in the game, nowadays I don't play anymore, but I like seeing the photos and remembering them, thank you very much.
Attached images
permissão kakutouka.png

permission of CHEVASDUMOI
(1 post, started )