The online racing simulator

Poll : What Track Do We Want In LFS? and can we have rain?

No Rain
Yes Rain
Historic Le Mans
Add A Historic Track And Rain
It would be cool if we could have a historic themed track [cuz Fern Bay isn't enough] like AVUS or Historic Le Mans track.

What about rain? Most sim racing games don't usually have rain that does anything.
It's funny looking at the reaction to rain on iRacing. Most people enjoy it, but there are a decent vocal minority on the iRacing forum that hate it whenever it's used. I personally love it on iRacing, but for LFS I think it's the very last thing on a very long list of other possible additions.

A well implemented rain system took iRacing, with a dev team of many people purely focusing on rain, many years to complete, and it still has elements missing from it. I think if we asked Scawen for rain and he fully focused on it, we wouldn't get any updates for years.
I can offer some low-cost rain solutions Wink

(Rony pls fk off)
No need for rain for now, only a track editor. Create your own fork of "Historic Lemans". From my point of view, we need a track editor, you need to create a thread with a proof of your work and only the developer can add the track to the official lfs release.
Proper rain driving (with actual wet line, even without puddles and such) would also be probably impossible on layouts, as the game would need to know where cars are actually driving to "get the rubber in" (or at least it would be much more difficult to have that on concrete parts), but don't get me wrong, I'd love to have rain in LFS, just later down the line.
Simply lowering overall grip wouldn't be very interesting, even if it would at least allow people to risk not using wet tyres (sorry michal). And a dynamic track system (temperature varying with time of day weather, and cars driving on it, and bonus points for dirt/debris/marbles) would very likely be needed before rain is even considered.