I guess this has been requested before, but i couldn't find anything, so I'll just go ahead.. 
How about making lfstweak an official addon to the game? this way, maybe we could see updates for the tweaker as often as for the game itself?
I know I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks for it, what do the rest of the community feel about this?
And one more thing that has definately been requested before, i just have to push the question one more time..
Opening the game for homemade car-models(?), could/would encrease the number of sold licenses.. and radically encrease the fun!
At least that's my opinion!
I'm not sure if this could work on the online part of the game, but at least making it possible for offline gaming! 
thanx anyway!

How about making lfstweak an official addon to the game? this way, maybe we could see updates for the tweaker as often as for the game itself?

I know I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks for it, what do the rest of the community feel about this?

And one more thing that has definately been requested before, i just have to push the question one more time..
Opening the game for homemade car-models(?), could/would encrease the number of sold licenses.. and radically encrease the fun!

thanx anyway!
