The online racing simulator
Betatest Comparison Video - LFS VS Real footage - ISO3888
Here's a "golden oldie" that me and Don did.
At the time testing a few tyre code parameters. Alpha code then, still good enuff to show.
Test video to check car behaviour to quick direction change. catapult etc. also used to tweak a 4 passenger setup.
Mind you this isnt a scientifical comparison vid. cars dont have same exact same specs. This is just to test overall behaviour. from what i recall footage with TCM disengaged.
With-passengers, the runs can get very close to weight of real fwd.
We provide the iso3888 layout (attached) so u can tweak sets or make your own videos.


let the brawlage begin...

ps: This was a specific test video, not an art movie, we didnt have 12 fov and zooming on keys etc. Wasnt made to be preety, but to feedback info.
Attached files
AU1_BMI.lyt - 260 B - 435 views
That's where LFS really shines, the transfer of weight from one side to the other and any time that the tyres still have grip. The problems come when it loses grip. You can't quite see in the vid that the back end wants to step out but if you've played LFS at all, you just know that another half second in either direction and it would have lost it.

Interesting comparison. I'd like to see something similar but with the car losing it a bit first. Might do a hunt around the web sometime for a video to try that with
Seen this ages ago, is a good vid though.
Been watching this closely, great comparison.

To me it shows the cars are too oversteary (sp?) in the 'lane change' the real drivers is still putting posotive steering in at the end of that manauvor (Sp?) but the comp driver is putting in oposite lock, the external view shows the same sort of thing, you can see the rear sliding in the comp car not the real car.

This vid also shows that things are not a mile away.

Good work

BTW whats the LFS Ver?
#6 - Don
its done with more than half a year old physics...there was quite a few physics changes after this
Quote from FlintFredstone :To me it shows the cars are too oversteary (sp?) in the 'lane change' the real drivers is still putting posotive steering in at the end of that manauvor (Sp?) but the comp driver is putting in oposite lock,

1) thats easily overcome by using a less oversteery set in lfs

2) i have other real cars footage that oversteer a bit more , just like that set i had (renault megane chassis for example)

3) this video shows extremely similar behaviour. indeed the real problems are not seen in this video. they are possibly in some other areas ill wont go into here coz thats not the purpose more fruit of incompleteness than erroneous sim calcs of existing modelled features.
Yeah, you should probably test this with the Road Going setups, too.

While the driving in the "real" window looks somewhat relaxed but most important safe, the LFS window shows it more like fighting on the edge to not lose the rear. This really needs an update. Anyone?
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Seen this ages ago, is a good vid though.

this vid was posted once in the old forum, i guess by don, but was quickly removed from there and user threatned with ban. nothing like having a decent dedicated forum...
Quote from AndroidXP :Yeah, you should probably test this with the Road Going setups, too.

While the driving in the "real" window looks somewhat relaxed but most important safe, the LFS window shows it more like fighting on the edge to not lose the rear. This really needs an update. Anyone?

yes, correct. again could be the set. indeed i posted this with layout so people can have their fun tests

ps: the real footage driving is more on the limit than it seems. in fact i have footage of failed attempts (renault again, very nervous backend
Quote from KiDCoDEa :this vid was posted once in the old forum, i guess by don, but was quickly removed from there and user threatned with ban. nothing like having a decent dedicated forum...

I never saw it on RSC, i often check out dons folders. temp/lfs/S2 :shiftylook:
Quote from L(Oo)ney :I never saw it on RSC, i often check out dons folders. temp/lfs/S2 :shiftylook:

absolutely wicked work lads

even if you say it wasnt made to look cool, it still does stylish and impressive
What codec is used? Trying to see this on my iBook with the latest OSX update and I get a wide screen without the vid displaying. QT says I am missing the correct plugin?
ffdshow MPEG-4 Video Decoder

Bollocks, just got the latest Safari update and it now does the right aspect ratio butttt it doesnt download. Is it still active?

No idea whats going on now...just went back to previous wide screen with a 5 second garble of audio and then finshed? Might try it on my pc if I have to.
#17 - Don
yes its still on the ftp
I tried a few runs with the Road Going setup, only difference was that I took the extra passenger out. I saved every replay where I didn't hit a cone it's actually not that easy.

The times seem to fit quite good, the real driver needed about 10 seconds for the course, while I needed 16.5, minus 6.5 secs for accellerating. The only thing not totally equal is the entry speed, which is stated as 95 km/h in the video, but in the GTi you just about reach 92 km/h at the end of the first cone lane.
Attached files - 25.8 KB - 333 views
Thanks for the layout Kidcodea!

ps. Are these the exact data like in a real test??
#20 - Don
Looks great! That video reminds me of the Enthusia Miata video. It would be great to see a similar comparison video using the Raceabout since it's a real-world car.
Kid and Don.... Is it possible for you to do a "moose avoidance test"..?? Or at least provide me with the exact data, so i can do one..??
Quote from Boris Lozac :Kid and Don.... Is it possible for you to do a "moose avoidance test"..?? Or at least provide me with the exact data, so i can do one..??

Is the moose avoidance test ISO 3888?
Little google search seems to say so.

If so, note that a layout file was attached to the original post. You should be able to use that to gather data
Quote from TravisS :Is the moose avoidance test ISO 3888?
Little google search seems to say so.

If so, note that a layout file was attached to the original post. You should be able to use that to gather data

No, that's not the "moose" test, but it's good to have it anyway..
The "moose avoidance test" looks roughly like this:
Attached images
Moose avoidance test.jpg
Quote from Boris Lozac :No, that's not the "moose" test, but it's good to have it anyway..
The "moose avoidance test" looks roughly like this:

just say: The test, where the Merc A-class flipped