Uhm... I think "l33t","1337", or however you write it, is just an expression how geeky you are. Maybe someone who really is 1337 could help me out in describing
Wikipedia is so funny. It can make a really stupid word hae a really formal meaning.
"leet is a slang word used primarily on online games. The people on online games use this when they want to shorten the text. leet is an adjective. leet sounds like leek. nuttyboy is strange"
I know, its great isn't it! There is as much information on there about l337 as there is about Cancer (the disease) and more (by some 4 times) than there is about deep vein thrombosis!
Go figure...
[EDIT] Hurrah, 100 posts!! er.. I mean..er, I don't care...
nutty boy, you liar. It was about me increasing my post count. The XRR-hatchback was just a bonus.
And it was to show off my 1337 ub3r h4x0r skillz OMGWTF??!!!!!!!
this is very sad, you want to get to page 1? Then you have to maintain that spot. And don't expcet to get more than halfway up the page. I made it there without trying. Then held the second to last spot for 2 months and got passed. This depresses me to see this happening.
you'll need to catch me first, 3rd and rising! mwahahahahaha
it doesnt mean elite, afaik it is just a way to get round censorship and sound geeky while doing it
for example
nutty boy doesnt know much about the internet
nu11y b0y 1s t3h n00b 0n t3h w3b r0xxzorz
they were wrong
from the front page "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit"
it means that articles are written by the fans and corrections can be made by someone else, luckily this somehow doesnt get much vandalism (i remember researching the Model T on it, i got "the Ford model T was a gay car that bumed all the other cars up the exhaust")
BTW - WIKipedia - What I Know - ipedia - so dont take its word as gospel!