The online racing simulator
wheel control setup
(6 posts, started )
#1 - lego
wheel control setup
Having returned from my summer holydays I started lfs to do some quick laps, but to my disappointment I was slow as always :P
I couldn't control well the car, and the best I could get was my usual 1.38.12 on bl with the xfg.
Later today I started to look around on the forum, and I happened to read a thread about wheel setup in lfs, where somone (dont' remember who, sorry ) advised to set
wheel turn compensation: 0.54
t/b centre reduction: 0.60
remove dead zones: yes

I applied these settings and in less than 10 laps I dropped my pb from 1.38.12 to 1.36.33! Finally the car goes where I want

Maybe it was already obvious to all of you, but as I didn't know it and it helped me sooo much I wanted to be sure that there's no other poor souls out there driving over soap

#2 - Lible
Remove dead zones is a must, these first two are depending on the wheel, at least for me...
Quote from lego :Having returned from my summer holydays I started lfs to do some quick laps, but to my disappointment I was slow as always :P
I couldn't control well the car, and the best I could get was my usual 1.38.12 on bl with the xfg.
Later today I started to look around on the forum, and I happened to read a thread about wheel setup in lfs, where somone (dont' remember who, sorry ) advised to set
wheel turn compensation: 0.54
t/b centre reduction: 0.60
remove dead zones: yes

I applied these settings and in less than 10 laps I dropped my pb from 1.38.12 to 1.36.33! Finally the car goes where I want

Maybe it was already obvious to all of you, but as I didn't know it and it helped me sooo much I wanted to be sure that there's no other poor souls out there driving over soap


youre lucky my best is 2.31.58
#4 - CSU1
Quote from Lible :Remove dead zones is a must, these first two are depending on the wheel, at least for me...

Wt* are deadzones anyway, I use a gamepad on/off what should I do please?
#5 - Jakg
if your on a digital gamepad turn them off
I run an analogue gamepad, but I have no way of turning down the sensitivity it seems. Trying to drive the FOX and it just darts everywhere and sends me into a spin.

My MS Sidewinder wheel is better, but still I find that I'm well off the pace.

Oh well - keep on practicing I guess...........

wheel control setup
(6 posts, started )