Well i'm not happy that there has not been enought intrest but what can you do. CRT (caledonian Racing Team - SCOTLAND in case you dont know what caledonian means (could get really technical about that but shant as this is not the place)) were looking forward to another small national team to have in LFS as a sort of running mini league fun thinmgy.
Well hopefully it will happen and I look forward to seeing our celtic brothers on the track.
arwyrain i fyny heblaw 'ch celtic brodyr a enilla!
Caledonia is the Roman name for Scotland, although borders have shifted a little since then I think but some Scotts felt left out so they reclassified it to be all of Scotland.
who would like to call their girl that... Might aswell call them Scotland, "Hey Scotland!, How you doing?" "Im alright thats Saxon!"
WAY off topic here
That is what i meant when i said i could get really technical about it. in fact the name is CALEDONII and it was central scotland with MAEATAE, SELGOVAE, DAMNONII to the south, VOTADINI south east and PICTI to the north.
see the image below. (taken from the POCKET SCOTTISH HISTORY printed by lamond books, just to cover my back in the event of any violations i have done by using this image)
I'm sorry but i am passionate about my beutiful country (and my home town of arbroath).
Yip peeps love to name there children after the great stuff. I'd never dream of calling my daughter Anglo