I've got an USB-interface board, with a few Digital inputs and analog outputs and stuff, but when it is connected and I start LFS, LFS crashes. It gives an error like
"The Instruction at 0x343someaddress referenced memory at 0x000something. The memory could not be read."
My guess is that Live For Speed tries to use this USB-device, but it shouldnt even try. Is there a way to let LFS ignore a device? Or has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Any help is appreciated.
LFS version S2 U20 (I tried LFS 0.04Q, it doesnt have the problem).
The device is a Velleman VM110 K8055D USB-board
"The Instruction at 0x343someaddress referenced memory at 0x000something. The memory could not be read."
My guess is that Live For Speed tries to use this USB-device, but it shouldnt even try. Is there a way to let LFS ignore a device? Or has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Any help is appreciated.
LFS version S2 U20 (I tried LFS 0.04Q, it doesnt have the problem).
The device is a Velleman VM110 K8055D USB-board