The online racing simulator
Script commands for pit stops
I think that there should be scriptable commands for pit requests. For example

fuel 30
tyres r3
wingf +1

That example would set it to add 30% fuel, put R3's on and add 1 degree of front wing.

This with an InSim app to do that would be makeable, maybe to do it remotely (My endurance team-mate tells me a problem, I can change his pit instructions accordingly).

This is not at all 2 way telementary as it is doing what will be done in a stop.

F1 drivers don't have to piss around with keyboards to make setup changes in stops.
#2 - Vain
You can do that via the scripting system by causing keypresses:
a lot of cursor left (until the desired fuel is at 5%)
a lot of cursor right (until desired fuel is reached)
Setting other things work similarly.

The scripting system will do that faster than you notice. Sure, it's not beautiful, but it works without waiting for a patch. Of course this won't do any remote controlled thingies. It's just a thought.

Quote from Vain :You can do that via the scripting system by causing keypresses:
a lot of cursor left (until the desired fuel is at 5%)
a lot of cursor right (until desired fuel is reached)
Setting other things work similarly.

The scripting system will do that faster than you notice. Sure, it's not beautiful, but it works without waiting for a patch.


That would only work with + and - ses.

That would mean you would need a lot of "splash and dash" scripts instead of one.
I support this request.

A direct method of accessing the pit adjustments that can also be mapped to a controller would be highly useful. The same goes for brake bias and ARB settings without having to open and look at the F11 menu or create a lengthy macro. Alternately, or in addition, these adjustments could be made available as options in the control options screen for direct mapping.