The online racing simulator
#1 - axus
DFP troubles (for a change) - any ideas?
Hi guys,

My wheel's been gathering dust lately and I haven't really played much LFS. On Saturday we had a little LFS display at a real life racing event and it started behaving weirdly (thankfully we had a backup wheel) - I would turn in fine and half way through the corner, the steering wheel in-game would just jerk back and forth towards the center position, rather randomly, whilst I would still be keeping the wheel in the same place. Turning the wheel further didn't seem to do anything at that point.

I took it apart when I got home and everything seemed fine (I presumed that some cable had broken and it was using the input from one of my pedals with that of the wheel or something because wires were touching. I messed around with everything inside a bit, made sure all the connections are fine and so forth. I plugged it in and it worked fine.

I drove LX4 at South City for about half an hour and then it started giving me problems again, but different ones this time - after a violent drift correction, the wheel lost its center and was about 30 degrees out in-game from my actual wheel. I unplugged the wheel and reconnected it, allowing it to recalibrate. This fixed the problem for about a lap at which point the wheel lost its center again.

Any ideas? Calibraion lock is on btw.
I dunno, but I have been noticing some wierd things too since the U patches. I know I hate to say the U test patches are at fault (too easy to blame them ), but there really is some wierd things happening. My friend has a DFP, and the same things have been happening up until about a week ago with using the patches. It feels less like a wheel problem, and more like a problem with the computer or the game. Because like you said when you are turning into a corner, the wheel will jerk and feel all whacky for some reason. Also, it will lose its center, and resetting it by unplugging/plugging it back in, that might fix it. However, sometimes my friend has to restart the computer completely to resolve the issue. It is really odd, but with you mentioning the SAME exact things as I am having and my friend is having, I feel this is a bit suspicious.... And I own a brand new G25... so it's not old hardware.

What patch version are you running?

EDIT: And out of curiousity, was your wheel cocked to the left about 30 degrees?
#3 - axus
U20, however this happens in the profiler also.

EDIT: Gonna do a few quick tests.
Well I leave my wheel just plugged into the computer at all times and put it aside on my desk when I am not using it. When it just sits there, nothing happens of course, and if I open the game controller's properties, it is centered and working all fine. But when I start LFS, something changes without notice and I don't know why.

I could go in and try to drive and notice the wheel is cocked to the left and off-centered. I try to recallibrate all Axes's in the game and it is still off-centered. Doing the unplugging self-test thing doesn't reset it sometimes either. And like you said, I get the jerking when trying to turn, and it doesn't feel right. So I'd have to restart

I'll test to see what it might be (if it is LFS). Because I have a hunch it might be when I sometimes switch back and forth between profiles in LFS (have an 'away' profile) and something might act up at that point. Do you switch profiles ever in LFS?
#5 - axus
Recalibrated the wheel, and it was centered for a bit. I went to the profiler where you can see what input is at what value and did some violent movements. The steering wheel quickly lost its center again - I don't think its LFS.

I had this problem from time to time a long time ago but now it is really easy for it to happen - maybe I just need to open the wheel up and see if there are gears that aren't joined well all the time...

EDIT: I don't switch profiles but I sometimes edit the current profile.

EDIT2: This still happens after a reboot.
#6 - axus
I think its wheel-rotation related. It lost the center when I go outside the 320deg I had set, but now with 900deg, no matter how violently I swing it, it won't loose the center.
Aha, so a driver bug?

Tweak, does the G25 have similar settings? Have Logitech released new drivers for it?
#8 - axus
Bugger, it lost its center again, although whilst driving, which leads me to beleive its an FF fault because it only happens while FF is active.

EDIT: To clarify, at 900 degrees, the wheel doesn't use FF to get itself back into the working zone, where as at lower settings it does.
#9 - axus
My dad and I did some wheel maintenance today - it doesn't seem to do it anymore - I think it was dust in the sensors or something like that. You have to open the wheel up and take it apart properly to clean those though.
I don't know if this will help but I had a shakey wheel problem for a while and I change the profiler's degrees of rotation to 530 degrees and match it in the game and the violent wheel shakes went away. May not be a related problem though.