Anyone into pictuning?
(45 posts, started )
Anyone into pictuning?
Well, I recently started doing some pictuning, very noobish, but it's quite fun when the result is there. So I began to wonder if there are any LFS racers that do this kinda stuff, and I can't really remember there ever was a thread about it.

So if anyone would want to share their creations, I'd love to see them!
Do you mean pictuning as in modifying a picture in photoshop?
If you do ive done a fair few cars and some removed things from photos for people but thats about it. Links aren't that great as they are about a yr old and ive not done any new ones.

Edit - That better, can see the pictures now? Can you spot the differences?
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Well if you mean cars...heres some of my older ones which i just got from me repaired external HD.
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puma wip.jpg
ragster 2 copy.jpg
Greboth, are you sure that those links are right?
Wahaha, I see no differnce in the pics Greboth! illepall
Heres a few more, one of them was a vain attempted to improve the Z4s styling. (Greboth edited out the cretin in the corner)
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BMW Z4 M coupe.jpg
MM comp ferrari.jpg
#7 - CSU1
I loath pictuning
you do a good job on that quicksilver, im quite impressed

i tried doing that stuff for a little while back when i used to edit pictures and make skins but.. haven't touched stuff like that in forever
Same here, i really only did those cars to learn more stuff on photoshop. Now i have so i don't do those cars often, probably about 2 per year max.
I used to think it was stupid too, but now I learned more about it, it's quite fun. Guess it's time for me to show one of my edits too! It isn't great, bad colour, but I like it, it's the third I did or so, so don't mind it.


I already had the comment it's oversaturated, but now I know why. But you guys can always comment Be nice
Quote from sgt.flippy :I already had the comment it's oversaturated, but now I know why. But you guys can always comment Be nice

My mother always told me that if I couldn't say anything nice, it was best to say nothing at all.

Quote from Hyperactive :Greboth, are you sure that those links are right?

Quote from Bawbag :Wahaha, I see no differnce in the pics Greboth! illepall

The pics show up to me and are different pics. Ill check links anyway.
Quote from Greboth :The pics show up to me and are different pics. Ill check links anyway.

Oh, I just thought that you accidentally put wrong pics in your post

After looking at them again I see that the person in the background has disappeared
Oh, haha, spot the noobs! /me hides
:ices_rofl .

Found a new thing, I can get on his nerves with on the servers then, after the "crashed few laps before finish with comfortable lead in OLFSL race" became old.
Quote from jtr99 :My mother always told me that if I couldn't say anything nice, it was best to say nothing at all.


I said be nice

I don't really care, I just do it to do something, the first steps in pictuning is cleaning a car, so I did as much as I could, and on a pictuning forum, they told me the cleaning was done very well, so ha!

Gonna start a new car now, won't be showing it anymore though
Quote from sgt.flippy :Gonna start a new car now, won't be showing it anymore though

OK, sorry, I take it back. I didn't mean to put you off pursuing this form of artistic expression, I was just saying that your first efforts, as they stand, didn't do a lot for me personally. But I'm sure you'll get better!
Quote from jtr99 :OK, sorry, I take it back. I didn't mean to put you off pursuing this form of artistic expression, I was just saying that your first efforts, as they stand, didn't do a lot for me personally. But I'm sure you'll get better!

It's okay, other people don't like it either, and actually I'm not really into tuning cars that much, I like stock, so I can't stop wondering why I even started doing this. I'll just do a car once in a while for my personal entertainment and learning about photoshop. I already learned a few usefull new things.

I think I'll stick to making skin, I'm a little bit better at that (very little:tilt
My first and only Digimod so far:
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Nice Quicksilver, very clean.

I also used to prat about with Photoshop when I discovered it. Here's one of my (believe it or not) better efforts, probably from earlyish 2003. Rubbish, they never really looked like cars once I'd finished, I always used to go too far aswell. Still, at least I put that grill on the A3 before Audi did
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Subaru ImprezA3.jpg
I'd love to know how to do this kind of stuff.. i use photoshop and illustrator for 'scratch' made logos and the kind.. but ive always wanted to do some photo editing as such..

any pointers? i know it's alot to ask as i know how complex things can be at times.. but im after anything to get my going

Thats THE top site for pictuning, Pete Smith owns it and he does work for Konig, and Volvo asked him to design a car they could use at SEMA...and they actually made it!
holy crap :jawdrop: thats a very cool site.. those tutorials are ace. i shall try some of them my self

many thanks

Anyone into pictuning?
(45 posts, started )