(6 posts, closed, started )
Why do people come on the demo servers and try to get cracks for LFS, one guy I found was:Mr.X and he started arguing with me, here is some of chat log (atached)
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Quote from xWolFx :Why do people come on the demo servers and try to get cracks for LFS, one guy I found was:Mr.X and he started arguing with me, here is some of chat log (atached)

well its no good if they do becuase you canrt get online so whats the point of it.
Blackwolf, take care. Simply because someone says something doesnt make it true. Again there are multiple people with the same username.. I know a very clean Licenced driver with the same username.

Plus, very well sending it privatly to the Developers, to do with what they wish if they care, but posting it here only gives those who do what they do the oppertunity to advertise themselves, which is normally always what they wish to do.
Point well made. I still have no unlocks so stuck with them a-holes.
Xwolfx if you require an extra unlock mail the Dev team here and give your reason you may have S2 unlocked again before the month restarts .

Be more carefull with your unlock keys

#6 - Gunn
Naming and shaming often ends in hostilities, especially when naming a demo user. Demo names are not unique indentifiers so you don't really know who the driver is. Best not to post people's names on the forum, no matter how naughty they appear to be.
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(6 posts, closed, started )