I just bought one on saturday and I've spent most of the weekend flying around my house .
It's cheaper than a cheap car and it's probably better built too! But it's pretty tough to fly indoors - once you get some space it's awesome! The pack comes supplied with a Tx and battery charger (a good one) and even a DVD (with a somewhat hypnotic narrator)
And for the techy peeps out there, the reciever (with built-in gyros and speed controllers) has 6 channels, so with the right Tx you could easily plug some more servos in to have some fun with! and there's already an apache body-kit on the market. indoor gunship anyone?
It's cheaper than a cheap car and it's probably better built too! But it's pretty tough to fly indoors - once you get some space it's awesome! The pack comes supplied with a Tx and battery charger (a good one) and even a DVD (with a somewhat hypnotic narrator)
And for the techy peeps out there, the reciever (with built-in gyros and speed controllers) has 6 channels, so with the right Tx you could easily plug some more servos in to have some fun with! and there's already an apache body-kit on the market. indoor gunship anyone?