Current version: (for changelog scroll down)
Hi there!
An issue that was long bugging me, is the unflexible 90° look LFS currently has. There have been many suggestions on how to improve it, but Scawen didn't yet have the time to actually implement any of them. So I thought, how nice and smooth the mouse look in LFS works, but how terribly unusable it is. But, when the mouse look itself is so iffy to use, why not abuse it for something else? And so was born the idea of MouseLook.
Please post all comments/suggestions/bugreports in here. If you have problems with some missing DirectX dlls, download and place the contents in the same folder as MouseLook.
(Yes, the screenshot is actually bigger than the program :-Þ)
Hi there!

An issue that was long bugging me, is the unflexible 90° look LFS currently has. There have been many suggestions on how to improve it, but Scawen didn't yet have the time to actually implement any of them. So I thought, how nice and smooth the mouse look in LFS works, but how terribly unusable it is. But, when the mouse look itself is so iffy to use, why not abuse it for something else? And so was born the idea of MouseLook.
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0How to install?
( ... 62-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5)
Extract the contents of the zip anywhere you like.How to use & set up?
- Start up MouseLook.exe.
- Assign the wheel buttons for "look left" and "look right". To do this, first click on the button "Set" located besides the function, then press the desired button on your wheel. You can also hit ESC to cancel the assignment, or DEL to clear it.
- Leave the "view settings" at default for now, and start up LFS.
- In LFS, go to "Options > View" and set:
- "Look function" to "ms X"
- "Look sensitivity" to "1.00"
- "Look centre reduction" to "0.00" *
- "Look function" to "ms X"
- Then go to "Controls > wheel/js > Buttons 1", and make sure that "Left View" and "Right View" are UNassigned.
- Start your race session, and use the previsouly assigned wheel buttons for looking around.
*) If you plan to use the steer look functionality, a value around 0.60 is recommendedHow does it work?
Note: Of course, these set-up steps only need to be done once, not everytime you want to use MouseLook
MouseLook is a relatively simple program that does nothing else but move around your mouse cursor. While not terribly useful outside of LFS, ingame it will behave very much like the default look left/right function.View settings explained
Range:General notes & tips
Defines the primary angle limit for looking (single wheel button press)
For example: 100% means 180° looking angle ingame (= over your shoulder), 50% means 90°, etc.
This angle is always smaller than the secondary one (see below).
DoubleClick Rng:
Defines the secondary angle limit (double-"click" the wheel button to use)
This angle is always bigger than the primary one.
Look Speed:
Sets the maximum "look" speed (applied while pressing any of the buttons)
At 25% it will need one second to go completely from the left side of your screen to the right side. Ingame this means, it would need one second from looking over your left shoulder to looking over your right.
Return Speed:
Sets the maximum "return" speed (applied when no buttons are pressed)
Works the same way as "Look Speed".
Defines how fast the "cursor" or "view point" starts and stops moving. A low inertia means that looking around will be very erratic with fast direction changes. A high inertia will smooth out that movement, but turning the virtual head will take longer. Watch out, if you set the inertia too high, you might not even be able to reach the set maximum "Look Speed"
Steer Look:
Defines the maximum angle achievable by steer look
For example: 100% means 90°, 50% -> 45° and 0% disables it. This function mimics the steer look (or look-to-apex) functionality of LFS, where you look into the turn depending on how much you steer. Unfortunately this also shows a shortcoming of MouseLook, as the movement isn't as smooth as in LFS itself. Though, you can somewhat fix this by playing with the LFS options "Look sensitivity" and "Look centre reduction" - I'd recommend setting the latter to a value of about "0.6". But be aware; modifying these will change the behaviour of all MouseLook functionalities!
Instant look:
If enabled, any movement and smoothing settings are ignored, and the view will instantly snap to the desired viewing target.
Pressing Left+Right locks view:
If enabled, pressing both left and right look button will stop the current view movement, instead of going into look-over-shoulder mode. Movement will continue as soon as the buttons are released.
Asymmetric range settings:
If enabled, the Range and DoubleClick Range settings can be applied seperately for looking left and right.
Center on ESC:
If enabled, pressing ESC at any time while ingame will center the view. However, if you are in a menu and press ESC, the mouse cursor will be moved to the center, too.
Center on Steer:
If enabled, the view will automatically return to center if you steer. This is useful if the view is off-center after returning to the cockpit from a menu, and should also prevent dangerous situations while racing (for example if you unintentionally bump the mouse). However, the cursor will be moved to the center if you move the wheel while inside a menu.
For MouseLook to work correctly, LFS must run in full screen mode. Though, you can somewhat use it in windowed mode if you center the LFS window and set up the range limitations accordingly. Otherwise the mouse cursor might wander outside of the LFS window.Changelog
MouseLook automatically saves the settings to "MouseLook.ini" on closing (the file will be created in the directory you started MouseLook.exe from). Should MouseLook throw an error on loading, because "someone" () entered invalid values into the ini, just delete the latter and MouseLook will use default settings.
It's best to use the primary angle for slightly looking to the side, or maybe even just enough to see the side mirror (very useful in the BF1, for example). The secondary angle is best used for *really* looking to the side or even a bit to the back, so you can spot your opponents.
Press and hold both buttons at the same time to look over your shoulder, regardless of range settings. If you release one button, the view will snap back to what you have set up as secondary angle limit.
Instead of double-clicking a button to use the secondary angle, you can also archieve the same by pressing and holding the desired button and then briefly pressing the other one too, so both buttons were pressed at the same time (basically like going into look-over-shoulder mode shortly).
v1.0.1.1Well, I hope you like it
- Added collapse button
- Added "Misc settings" area
- Added option to close MouseLook after LFS closes
- Added option to minimize MouseLook when LFS starts, and maximize it back when it closes. This was default behaviour in previous versions but can now be overridden.
- Added Click-to-Double-Click feature. If enabled, pressing a look button and holding it for the specified amount of time will switch the look from the normal to the double click range. The click timer is started after the single click range has been reached.
- Added option to return view to center on pressing Escape
- Added option of automatic view centering when steering activity is detected
- Improved steer look, now it doesn't influence the other look functions anymore
- Added a few missing tooltips
- Added preset system
- Added steer look (look-to-apex)
- Changed the rather confusing "L" and "R" descriptors to "«" and "»"
- Improved check to prevent multiple MouseLook instances/processes
- Added check for other running MouseLook processes to prevent two instances running at the same time
- Fix: Small bug at loading asymmetric settings (double-click ranges weren't loaded properly)
- Reversed "Left" scrollbars direction when using asymmetric ranges. Seems more logical that way - you now have to drag the left scrollbars to the left instead of right to get higher range %. To restore the old behaviour, add the line "ReverseAsymmetricScrollbar=false" to MouseLook.ini (or replace it, if it is already existing in there)
- Added support for multiple wheels (works)
- Added support for joystick (buttons + POV hat)
- Added asymmetric range settings
- Added support for multiple wheels (still experimental ~ didn't work)
- Improved processing of D-Pad input
- Added support for the D-Pad on the DFP (and other wheels)
- Added possibility to launch LFS directly from MouseLook. To use, either place MouseLook.exe in the LFS install directory, or set the LFS.exe path manually
- Fix: Forgot saving & loading the state of "Pressing L+R locks view" checkbox
- Added tooltips
- Added "Pressing Left+Right locks view" checkbox
- Initial release

Please post all comments/suggestions/bugreports in here. If you have problems with some missing DirectX dlls, download and place the contents in the same folder as MouseLook.
(Yes, the screenshot is actually bigger than the program :-Þ)