A lot of you have reported sometimes getting a black screen, when you change from windowed to full screen (using SHIFT+F4 etc). It's possibly more frequent in U23 but it was reported in U20 as well. I need to fix this, so we need to try and narrow down the causes of it. I can't reproduce this bug on my computer. I was able to do so with an earlier test patch, and I can reproduce that by changing the program to initialise DirectInput before Direct3D. However, that is not the case in the recent test patches (U20 to U23 at least) so I cannot reproduce the black screen.
Some have reported that it can come up after using ALT+TAB, before they use SHIFT+F4. But others have said they never used ALT+TAB at all.
There is a possibility that it's related to the HANDLEEXISTS error that comers up sometimes now. Again, we don't know any way to reproduce either of these reliably. There seems to be some kinf of conflict between Direct3D (graphics interface) and DirectInput (game controller interface).
If you know a sequence of events that can cause either of these bugs, or think you can see some kind of pattern, please report it here. Here are some questions you may like to answer in your report.
- What graphics card (and drivers) do you have?
- Was LFS in full screen when you started up?
- Did you use ALT+TAB before you recreated the bug?
- Did you ever get this before the U test patches?
- Can you reproduce it every time?
- Any other info that seems relevant...
[ EDIT : See below for a reliable way to get the bug http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=244576#post244576 ]
Some have reported that it can come up after using ALT+TAB, before they use SHIFT+F4. But others have said they never used ALT+TAB at all.
There is a possibility that it's related to the HANDLEEXISTS error that comers up sometimes now. Again, we don't know any way to reproduce either of these reliably. There seems to be some kinf of conflict between Direct3D (graphics interface) and DirectInput (game controller interface).
If you know a sequence of events that can cause either of these bugs, or think you can see some kind of pattern, please report it here. Here are some questions you may like to answer in your report.
- What graphics card (and drivers) do you have?
- Was LFS in full screen when you started up?
- Did you use ALT+TAB before you recreated the bug?
- Did you ever get this before the U test patches?
- Can you reproduce it every time?
- Any other info that seems relevant...
[ EDIT : See below for a reliable way to get the bug http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=244576#post244576 ]