S3 Suggestion (Live streaming of weather conditions via LFSworld)
I dont' think this has been suggested yet, and this suggestion is based upon the fact that we will have day/night, dry/wet races in S3.

I was watching the Sanddown V8's here in Australia and noticed something that would be great for LFS. Commentators kept refering to the weather map as it was predicted to rain, and then sunny and rain again, and what not (Melbourne Weather) but what i'd thought would be cool is to have a live stream of weather from LFSworld onto all the hosts that have .. lets say weather 'enabled'.

To add to this, each circuit has it's own weather map as such, which racers can access via LFSworld and watch as the clouds (or just those red and blue shades of colour, i dunno what they're called) roll in and cover the track, and in sync, the weather on the track changes accordingly.

Maybe even have a 7 day forecast?
This would be cool, especially because it would put weather out of the hands of race organisers, just like in RL.

We just need to make sure conditions do not get unraceable .
Its way too early to talk about S3, as S2 isnt even in the final versions. But...I really would like to see constant server weather, weather and track condition wouldnt be resetten when race restarts. That just would be cool. But dynamic weather may just be long away, maybe years, who knows
#4 - ORION
LOL you're dreaming a BIT too far imo

But something like this would be nice of course! Let's get the basic weather first, though
Dynamic weather, whether based on real weather reports, or just 'random' would be nice. Just as long as we get puddles, dynamic drying lines, slippery white lines, grease and oil (especially at road courses like South City), plenty of spray, and more grip off the usual racing line then I will be happy. EDIT: And nice modelling of aquaplaning too...

I'm sure Scawen will do all of this and more, but perhaps not in the initial stages.

I would also like to see wind options being removed. Wind off for hotlapping, cos it's fairer. But online wind should be on, and random, with no option to turn it off. Would add to the theoretical side of driving... mmmmmmm
i already suggested something similar ie adjusting the weather on the server so it resembles the weather at the servers location
the downside of this would be that most people have the choice of either racing through the night most of the time or join a laggy server somewhere on the other side of the earth
It's completely feasable, assuming weather is added to LFS in the future.

We currently have programs for FS2004 that do the exact thing, one of them in particular is ActiveSky, http://www.hifisim.com/activesky5.htm , basically you run this program in the background, it downloads and decrypts real-time weather info on the fly and squirts it into FS2004, works really well too.

Real Wheater would be a real nice feature espacially for leagues. For the unracebale condition, i think it would lie in the hands of the pilots to decide wether they're driving or not. The difference between simdriving and rldriving is that we don't have to think about our life an the dangers, so you could possibly try to drive in very nasty conditions. But as blackout said: It's way to early to talk about this.
think of the possibilities ... virtual shovels salt and sand in the autocross editor to prepare a track for a race during winter ... this surely would make the rb4 a lot more popular that it currently is ...
#10 - Vain
I believe random weather is better for normal racing, because if I want to race a dry race, I want to race a dry race and don't wait in front of my computer for Blackwood GP to dry out within the next 3 hours.

Heh. Yeah this was all mentioned on RSC but it's a very cool idea. I'm sure it will turn up eventually.
Quote from Shotglass :think of the possibilities ... virtual shovels salt and sand in the autocross editor to prepare a track for a race during winter

No need to carry salt or sand with you, just get proper tyres
Attached images
Maybe the same thing could be set with wind settings?
Quote from tristancliffe :and more grip off the usual racing line

? Suppose it would make the racing better but shouldn't it be the other way around, marbles off the line would be a better improvement IMO.
In wet weather, you actually have MORE grip ON the marbles, which is what I was referring to
yep.. i believe i was the first to suggest this a while back ago when i had gotten S1 a couple of years ago, and still cant wait to see if its ever put in or not
Quote from Vain :I believe random weather is better for normal racing, because if I want to race a dry race, I want to race a dry race and don't wait in front of my computer for Blackwood GP to dry out within the next 3 hours.


how about when you race alone (single player) you pick what weather you want.
Quote from Shotglass :i already suggested something similar ie adjusting the weather on the server so it resembles the weather at the servers location
the downside of this would be that most people have the choice of either racing through the night most of the time or join a laggy server somewhere on the other side of the earth

Yep, that's a problem i see as well, so maybe just weather conditions? and on the server side have a race starting time, so you can set it to midday or something and race on from that time, while the host takes the weather settings off LFSworld.

Orion, i know i'm dreaming, but you must if you want to live for speed
Quote from J_luo88 :Yep, that's a problem i see as well, so maybe just weather conditions? and on the server side have a race starting time, so you can set it to midday or something and race on from that time, while the host takes the weather settings off LFSworld.

i think the best solution would be to give the admin the choice to either use real time weather, random weather and constant weather condition and the same for the time on the server ...
Assign each track a real world location, Aston in the same area as Donnington for example, and then have LFS World pick the weather data for Donnington off any number of forecasting sites on the web and in turn relay that to any LFS game with the option enabled.

Day/night cycles should always be in the hands of the host in my view.

Granted, I know there must be far simpler ways to do it but that's how I'd like to see it done personally.
Quote from WorldFamous :Assign each track a real world location, Aston in the same area as Donnington for example, and then have LFS World pick the weather data for Donnington off any number of forecasting sites on the web and in turn relay that to any LFS game with the option enabled.

Day/night cycles should always be in the hands of the host in my view.

Granted, I know there must be far simpler ways to do it but that's how I'd like to see it done personally.

That's a great idea.. And when you wanna race, you check LFS world to see what is the weather on the track you wanna race.. IT would be great, like if it is going to rain or not, it's cloudy, you must decide what tires do you want
OMG, this whole idea of real weather is SO great! I sure hope it can be developed!
And what will will you do in winter? *g*
Quote from --==Gogo==-- :And what will will you do in winter? *g*

Winter will not be in the calendar.. Simple as that..
Quote from Boris Lozac :
Quote from Worldfamous :Assign each track a real world location, Aston in the same area as Donnington for example, and then have LFS World pick the weather data for Donnington off any number of forecasting sites on the web and in turn relay that to any LFS game with the option enabled.

Day/night cycles should always be in the hands of the host in my view.

Granted, I know there must be far simpler ways to do it but that's how I'd like to see it done personally.

That's a great idea.. And when you wanna race, you check LFS world to see what is the weather on the track you wanna race.. IT would be great, like if it is going to rain or not, it's cloudy, you must decide what tires do you want
OMG, this whole idea of real weather is SO great! I sure hope it can be developed!

Yeah, what i said at the bottom of my first post, except in more detail. It'll be heaps fun, and i agree with the idea of having day/night settings on the host side, maybe like what the lap and qual function is now, where you change the starting race time by hours.
It sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure it would work in practice.

If you picked a real world location for a track, e.g. Donington, then that's fine for me because I live down the road but for the vast majority of users it might as well be completely random. The extra resources required to get live weather information could be better used elsewhere, and it doesn't really achieve much other than being quite clever.

It would definitely have to be an option if anything. It could be bloody frustrating if you hated wet weather driving and we were having a wet British Autumn (and don't say, well if you can't handle the wet weather blah blah - new users will get put off). Or you could set it in Barbados instead

The same goes for night/day. An Aussie would have to race at night time continuously...

It sounds too much like a feature that would impress programmers, rather than users.