(47 posts, started )

War Rock is a Free2Play™ tactical first person shooter (FPS) where players have the option to purchase access to a wide variety of gameplay enhancing items and services – or play the game as it is without ever paying a dime.

Currently in Open Beta, War Rock is populated by thousands of players at any given time in servers all over the world. With a wide variety of customizable weaponry and vehicles, intuitive controls, and multiple battle modes, War Rock is a blast for seasoned FPS veterans and first-timers alike. Join us and see why War Rock is among the top 5 downloads on FilePlanet.com!

  • Very low entry threshold and immediate access to action-packed frag-fests, even for casual players.
  • Unique Free2Play™ access and player options to purchase gameplay enhancing items, services, and products, or play entirely for free
  • Frequent add-ons and updates that include maps, weapons, vehicles, and game-play modes driven by Player Request.
  • The extremely efficient Jindo game engine supports incredible graphics and high framerates despite low system requirements.
  • Mission scenarios between strike teams, Infantry-level firefights, or even Combined Arms engagements with gunboats, attack helicopters, and tanks – the player makes the choice, not the game.
looks nice
I've been playing it for a few weeks. I'm already kinda high in my rank/level, so yeah I can agree it is pretty easy to learn.

Though there are some things I don't like, like insta-prone some people do when fighting you. And some other things are buggy, but overall it is a good quick shootem upper for free, and I'd much rather play it than America's Army to be honest.
i tried it and i just cant get to like it. BF 2142 is much better
Of course that is better. But this is just an easy shootem' up game that is free. And they've done a pretty good job considering they don't make any money out of it (or very little).
I tried to download it from the only source and it was downloading at 70kbp/s....I usually get about 500 or 600 off a decent server, so no way was I waiting that long for this game.

Apparently it's good fun though and looks it, but I have BF2142 waiting for my new PC arriving so I probarly wont get round to it.
im sure this game has been posted on here before... not sure what thread though
#8 - bbman
It even was created by faster, iirc...
#9 - herki
The time I tried it, there was one guy who seemed to be immortal... maybe a bad cheat-protection
I don't know, I just can't get to like it, but it has pontential
do i just download client to get it working and do i have to register to
hahaha but ehhhhhh is that all i have to do is "download client "
They got patch 5 out now.
#14 - CSU1
it's been a while sinc i last played....can you buy mortars yet???
Is nearer to BF2 arcade crap or America's Army/Operation Flashpoint?
Way more BF2... In fact, I think it's even more arcade than BF2 (if that's possible)...
for some reason.. it reminds me of like a mix of the original doom, and counterstrike intertwined

[sarcasm]oh, and what a lovely comminuty too [/sarcasm]
some are nice, but.. it is an FPS, so the "niceness" drops down alot
#18 - Jakg
Yay! It uses Punkbuster!

used 2 play that a while ago, kind of mix between bf2, quake and cs
Useless for me because I can't find any mouse clipping options so whenever the cursor is on the wrong screen and I shot I loose focus.
hm.. one bad thing about this game, come february you can't play this beta anymore, nor will servers host the beta (apparently)

sucks, its kinda fun for a quick FPS game to mess around with
the whole money thing though absolutely sucks.. you get like 100 dinar or so about each game.. and somehow your supposed to get a good 30,000 dinar to buy some stuff is rediculous

you dont buy guns in the military you friggen ask and you'll receive if there is enough!
@XC - it says that the final version will remain free to play just like the Beta.
i think its stupid
i rather stay with my SOF2 were i can shoot arm and legs off illepall
Wait till the next update its going be big its going have a in game clan system and chat new maps and guns ect.
#25 - DeKo
"Unique Free2Play™ access and player options to purchase gameplay enhancing items, services, and products, or play entirely for free"

In other words, all the people that can burn money on a video game get better guns and can piss all over the normal people

(47 posts, started )