The online racing simulator
#27 - vtx
Downloading it now

edit LOL, I was really airborne hahaha
Dan, thats cool footage and great effort you took there to show it from all those angles. I havent watched the replay on my pc cos race 2 was in that contrast to race 1. It was impossble to aviod the cars in front. My car stood still instant causing that weird accident to all others following. Airborned after.
My question is if this is a normal race accident? Objectivly seen I dont see drivers in front besides losing control making intended mistakes.
having watched the vid it looks like a racing inceident to me. the 2 guys at the front makde mistakes and thats what caused the accident.
not much you can do about that really. unlucky.
Looks like a racing incident to me, had what happened, happened anywhere else on the track it wouldnt have been such carnage.

Think its just one of those things, there was a call for a restart, but IMO, restarts should only happen, if ever, on lap 1, and the incident occured on lap 2.

Quote from HittiS :Kike_MoMo:

I remember that "accident" on lap 2, first race, first corner too. All i can say is that it was your own fault. With some experience you should have seen that i was going for pass/attack on the inside (right) in your mirrors (watch left/right maybe) .. but you didn't "care" about that and all of a sudden you changed line and turn into in front of me, i mean please what should i do (besides, you braked earlier then i did), i couldn't stamp my brake more then i did .. we where 3 cars going in a row and you had taken the middle-line and i the inner-line, stay there thru the inbrake, corner etc and everything should go fine .. this time it didn't but maybe next time!

What a "no clean" screenshots. You saw me braking with a lot of anticipation, and it was enough space at my right for you pass me without hit.

The hit was a lot dangerous because the ping, sure if we were raced with less lag this hit has been insignificant, but you hit me, wasn't my fault. See this screenshots
Attached images
#33 - totx
Hi all!
I had fun racing yesterday, although I made last position both races. I found people very clean. I love the racing format too. Great work admins !
The best thing about the results for me is that I can only improve next races.
The race started very soon for me, in the way home from the work. The damn traffic made me be late at qualy, I am sorry about that, and I could not take my pre-race warm up ( I need like half an hour of racing before I get my skill ). But the worse thing is that I stupidly thought that the circuit for that week was AS Cadet. Never mind I looked the Schedule page and the forum one thousand times, I had the AS Cadet in my brain and I had the surprise when I joined the server.
Congrats to the podiums, cya.
(HittiS) DELETED by HittiS
Quote from Kike_MoMo :......Sure that with less lag and more control about the race penalties we can make more competitions with UFR and XFR
PS: Kalle, you forgot some information in the first post. You forgot the qualification results and the pit stops of every racer.

Yeah, we'll try to fix the lag problem. Im sure we'll be racing on stable lag-free server next time

Those results that are in this thread are un-official results. All results from quali and races and stats will be on UXRL site sometime today or tomorrow aswell as the standings. So no-one has got any points yet. And what comes to penalties, you need to make a complaint if there has been some incident. We admins can't check all the replays and all incidents, it would take hours. So if you see rule breaking or you are involved in some incident, report it. Email with this info: on which race, what lap,who were involved and what really happened. And do this asap after the race (within next 24hours).

What comes to my race it was awfull. I got really low FPS (seems that I had messed with my grapchis settings before the race) so I had to let eveyone pass on first lap. And after that I was just trying to drive as fast as I can and try to take some points which I was able to do
Quote from kalle :
So if you see rule breaking or you are involved in some incident, report it. Email with this info: on which race, what lap,who were involved and what really happened. And do this asap after the race (within next 24hours).

I don't want to report any incident, my incidents were dangerous beacuse the lag, it was not blame of anybody. In my another post, I speak about the penalizations because I thought that the points had been awarded without possibility of claiming. Now I see that the admins makes their task well

For my this it has been a test race, I hope to have better luck in the next races (with less lag).
Quote from HittiS :"ohh i don't wanna let him pass so i drive little to the left, little to the right and brake earlier and hope that he's going into my ass and going of, well im also try to block every attempt that he's trying, nobydy should pass me I'M THE KING OF THIS TRACK AND EVERYBODY ELSE SHOULD GO AWAY, TRY TO PASS ME YOU SUCKER AND I WILL KILL YA" .. and this time you lose!


as we say in our islands, an animated gif is better than a thousand words:

Quote from HittiS :End of discussion from my side

Discussion? I am not discussing anything, I am only explaining what has happened.
Quote from Kike_MoMo :illepall

as we say in our islands, an animated gif is better than a thousand words:

Well as we say here. There is nothing better then watching the replay
I watched it now 23 times from various angles, cars and positions.

Was the incident avoidable?

Was it necessary to turn your wheel to the right just in front of Hittis?
No, except for the reason to block his passing attempt. But he was already to close and didn't expected that move that late.

Watching your cars onboard view showed you steered to the right (I guess to block him because there was no other reason to do it at this part of the track) and then back to the left and then it was to late.
Because you can't drive your car into another position whilst fully braking (no matter how much space there is or not)
It's impossible when you have full speed and then press the brakes fully to steer at the same time to the left or right to choose another line.

I would say it was unlucky.
He could have braked earlier sure (but he is no psychic) and you could have not tried the blocking.
But I bet 90% of the drivers I know would have also crashed there with you.
You drive at full speed towards T1 then you choose a line and then you brake but when someone in front of you changes his line that late and quite unusually then you usually touch each other and you can't do anything against it.

Anyway just my 2 cents
Looks like i'm the one to be blamed for that crash. I went on the inside of Proculio, bumped him twice i think and he was the one that hit in the rear bumper. Damn, what a sloppy race 2 for me, this big crash and knocking out Bo with that idiotic move Nervousnes? Maybe. Idiocy? Definetly!
nice work kalle
Quote from BBO@BSR :Well as we say here. There is nothing better then watching the replay
I watched it now 23 times from various angles, cars and positions.

Was the incident avoidable?

Was it necessary to turn your wheel to the right just in front of Hittis?
No, except for the reason to block his passing attempt. But he was already to close and didn't expected that move that late.

Watching your cars onboard view showed you steered to the right (I guess to block him because there was no other reason to do it at this part of the track) and then back to the left and then it was to late.
Because you can't drive your car into another position whilst fully braking (no matter how much space there is or not)
It's impossible when you have full speed and then press the brakes fully to steer at the same time to the left or right to choose another line.

I would say it was unlucky.
He could have braked earlier sure (but he is no psychic) and you could have not tried the blocking.
But I bet 90% of the drivers I know would have also crashed there with you.
You drive at full speed towards T1 then you choose a line and then you brake but when someone in front of you changes his line that late and quite unusually then you usually touch each other and you can't do anything against it.

Anyway just my 2 cents

I agree
Good work Kalle and thx for the "soft start" of the league ...
Yes, very good point system. I like this league