The online racing simulator
LFS Pubstats Image Script
The updated version of my pubstats image script.

1. Extract the files & directories from the .zip file.

2. open inc/identKeys.php and additional users and their identkeys. set your identkey as the default. Generate your id key at

3. If you are paying to use Premium Pubstats, change line 15 of LFS_online_check.php to 1

4. create your custom graphics from the template files in the "images" directory and save those as "lfs_check_online#.png" & lfs_check_offline#.png" in the "images" folder. Start the numbering at 1 and don't put any files except for the template graphics in this directory.

5. Upload all the files and directories to your online host.

6. change the permissons of the cache folder to 777.

7. .htaccess

A. No .htaccess file already in the public_html directory
Move the supplied .htaccess file to the public_html directory.

B. There is a .htaccess file already in the public_html directory
Do NOT overwrite the existing .htaccess file
Open the supplied .htaccess file and copy the code.
Now open the existing .htaccess file in th public_html directory and paste the code.
Make sure there is only one line in the file that has "RewriteEngine on"
Group all lines that start with "RewriteRule" together

The directory tree should look like the diagram below:


############# Change Log #############
-Last version that cached the player stats as an image.
-Added code to automatically set the max parameter for rand().

-Switched to caching player stats in a php file as text data.
-changed the directory structure for better organization.

-Added Units variable so that metric or imperial units can be easily configured.

-Fixed bug that showed offline players as online when script tried to pull the live stats from the LFSWorld server too quickly after just pulling the stats (needs at least 5 sec delay for free service. premium service has no such limitation).
-Deleted duplicate files from images directory, and adjusted the code that calculates the max parameter for rand().

-added switch command for changing user name to match LFS name.
-switch command is used as an include file.

-add date info inside cache file for debugging.
-changed how server names are displayed to fix bug that caused incorrect character to be displayed at times.
-switched fonts used for Japanese text.

-Updated instructions with clarification on .htaccess use
-added support for external individual ident keys for multiple users.

-Added Points area for league use

-Added pubstats 1.3 functionality
-Hide Points display if Points aren't used
-Adjusted positioning of stats
-Changed stats to display 3.1(k/m/b) digit max for better use of space. displays correct unit size up to billions. trillions can be added if necessary O_O;

-Optimized the code to remove redundancy and better organization

example image ... id=19356&d=1163174822
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