NASCAR RACING 2003 Season by Papyrus has that very nice feature, that when you move with the Mouse over a button and stay there for a second or two a little window appears explaining the function and some General Info regarding this button.
This is very practical when it comes to Setup Changes for example, you dont know how a specific parameter will change the behaviour of the car? Move with the Mouse over it and stay there to see an explanation of what this function will do to the cars handling.
This Information Windows are there in all Screens, like Replay or Options Settings, Car Garage, these little Pop-Up Windows are there in all Menus and whenever you need a Info on a certain function.
It makes the whole Setup in the Garage very explainable for Newbies who have never setted up a car, what does strengthening the front springs do to the car handling? Move with the Mouse over the Spring rates + button to see an explanation of what this change does to the car. The Mouse gives an Info wherever you put it and keep it on the screen.
My English is not that good so I included some Screenshots for those who just dont know what the hell I'm talking about
NASCAR RACING 2003 Season by Papyrus has that very nice feature, that when you move with the Mouse over a button and stay there for a second or two a little window appears explaining the function and some General Info regarding this button.
This is very practical when it comes to Setup Changes for example, you dont know how a specific parameter will change the behaviour of the car? Move with the Mouse over it and stay there to see an explanation of what this function will do to the cars handling.
This Information Windows are there in all Screens, like Replay or Options Settings, Car Garage, these little Pop-Up Windows are there in all Menus and whenever you need a Info on a certain function.
It makes the whole Setup in the Garage very explainable for Newbies who have never setted up a car, what does strengthening the front springs do to the car handling? Move with the Mouse over the Spring rates + button to see an explanation of what this change does to the car. The Mouse gives an Info wherever you put it and keep it on the screen.
My English is not that good so I included some Screenshots for those who just dont know what the hell I'm talking about