The online racing simulator
Watch the 25 hours of Haibühl live in LFS TV!
This weekend the world's first 25h Live for Speed LAN takes place in Haibühl, located deep in the Bavarian Forest. The race starts today (Saturday) at 13:00 German time and runs until tomorrow.

It's probably also the first time, that YOU can watch the race live inside LFS! Thanks to lfs tv we are able to cast the whole race online. The stream is already running right now. You just have to download lfs tv, click on the '25h Race' stream and on 'watch lfs'. Start LFS, open the mpr replay lfstv.mpr and there you are.

Have fun!

LFS TV download:

25h website:
#2 - ORION
doesnt work for me, my camera is like stuck under the ground
maybe because its set to qualify?
#3 - aoun
I got on and the tv froze.. the computer was fine though..

Mabye lag entering or something? and it was in qual. ill try again in 1hour
Quote from ORION :doesnt work for me, my camera is like stuck under the ground
maybe because its set to qualify?

Rather buggy for me, although one car, out of 5, seemed to look fine. 3 others were frozen and invisible, like what you describe, and the other (the wrr leaving the pits not long into the replay) had cwazy suspension

Like the idea behind it though!
Attached files
lfstv.mpr - 207.8 KB - 248 views
Whee, that's awesome. Works fine.
#6 - Wakey
ok here
Has it stopped streaming? I can't see any streams in LFSTv
Uh, now it seems dead?
#9 - Wakey
yeah stopped
on their site it says they'll have lunch before starting the race lol
according to that, the race should be already in progress though. hmm
lan race at a gasthof, including bed and food - that's pretty great I remember sleeping on the floor of some big hall several times - underneath the table your computer is on, surrounded by walls of noise. No, such a smaller event with decent facilities and lunch before the race sounds very good indeed
"File failed header check"
yaamboo, same here
#14 - Davo
Anyone get to watch? LFStv shows no streams
lfstv should work again.
we had several problems yesterday. at the moment almost 20 hours of racing are behind us.


between the first and second place are about 30sec.
I watched that for some time earlier. Was quite cool, although all the cars had the S1 syndrome (white skins).
I only get a piece of a replay which I can watch instead of 'live' tv?
so its really live stresming into an mpr ?
if it is ... wow amazing idea

only problem i see with it is that skin dl doesnt work (and some cars dont show up properly)
i got it working.. interesting and weird at the same time lol (since its a replay)
Got it working, really nice!
Quote from BlakjeKaas :I only get a piece of a replay which I can watch instead of 'live' tv?

The replay gets updated every second .
THIS might provide some "Ohs" and "Ahs" and clear up some questions... Basically: LfSTV is older than some of you might think... It started as and idea to implement a system like HLTV in LfS, and after filur found out that .mprs could be streamed, WolleT sat down an programmed an application...
the skins coulnd't be loaded, because they were only in use in the network and not uploaded in the internet.
So that's the reason for the white cars.

Now the race is over and it was GREAT!
Thanks to all other drivers and i hope it was also good looking for all the spectators
Care to share the results?
1. #low 1. Racing
2. Grentis Racing
3. TPD, The Only XRR Team
4. PiRa Racing
5. !cewolves
6. #low 2. Racing
7. Austria Racing
8. Bavarian Racing