The online racing simulator
Your priceless moments in lfs!
(38 posts, started )
Quote from z3r0c00l :beat this.

bout 50 seconds in trying to drift the fo8, thought i'd move up as i can now drift the fox, i think it's good for car control to learn.

blgp reverse, come down towards the s config before the straight, and essentially i do an entire barrel roll before landing back on the wheels perfectly!

something about half rolling and then letting one slick tag the ground with my foot planted in 3rd gear gave it just the right amount of rotation!

spot on

I actually bursted out laughing since i watched it from the cockpit
I have many priceless memories of LFS. The ones I mention I probably have the replays of, but they were in S1 days - when mrt was very popular and there were a LOT of great racers and races to be found.

1. I remember the first MRT race I won. After leading 3 laps, with my legs shaking from excitement, the 2nd place racer passed me. I stayed on him for the next lap and passed him at the start of the 5th ( last ) lap.
He passed me soon after, and I kept on him. It was Fern Bay gold.
Nearing the last sections of turns, I made a classic racing pass, pusing inside on one turn, backing off a pit, and squeezing down inside the next ( opposite turn) - sensing he would probably push a bit too hard

Banshee56 had joined the server on the last two laps and was cheering me on, and he had been one of the first friends I'd made on LFS, and one of the first people to 'show me the ropes ', so it was a great feeling.

2. MRT on blackwood with Necavo. We raced a two car, 5 lap race where we literally passed each other at least twice on every lap, sometimes more - spent more time running wheel to wheel than one behind the other. I was so pumped up at the end I had to quit the game. Lol. I couldn't imagine anything comparing to it, at least at that moment.

To me, these kinds of moments are what seperates LFS from all other sims. I have no real memories of such real 'racing' with any other sim, and I have hundreds of similar memories from LFS. Don't know if it's the game, or the people it attracts. I suspect a bit of both.
My priceless moment was in an ATC 60 lap GP at Blackwood. I wasn't going to race but one of my team mates dropped out, so i jumped into the race with only around 2 laps practice.

I got crashed out very early on after making a good start, so i pitted very early like around lap 3. I knew that had to be my only pitstop if i had any chance of coming close to the top, anyway I had got up to 3rd place with a big gap to 4th on the last lap. Turn 1, last lap, my front left tyre blew. I was 5th limping around the track and got to the right hand turn just before the last uphill section...then my other tyre blew, i ended up in the gravel and got a DNF
#29 - Sage
Quote from Frankmd :Back in the S1 days, when the TBO/SO Classic combo was immensely popular I was racing in on a 15 slot server. Somewhere in the second lap I was driving in my FXO next to some RB4, when I suddenly saw a very slow driving GTi in front of me. I dont really know why I didnt brake, but somehow I managed to squeeze through exactly at one of those street-crossing-gaps, as indicated on the picture I think I watched the replay like a thousand times, from all possible camera angles. Especially from the GTi it looked very close

Sounds awsome! Love to see it! Both of these never fail to crack me up:
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BF1 Crash.mpr - 95.5 KB - 308 views
BF1 Wreck.mpr - 40.8 KB - 289 views
I have loads, but there is 2 that stick in my mind, and happened in Early S1 days.

ACR vs BR in team battle, FXO at So Long. 2nd Race, I started from Pole ( reversed grid from race 1 ) and Catalyst was behind me. I started well, but the whole field was alot faster than me, but Cat held them off, all the way and we finished 1st and 2nd. My first win of LFS Competition and a little help from me Teamey Arr those was the days of the Flying Birdshit logo ( the lfs oldies will get that joke )

2nd, I organised a Tag Race, again S1, and Scawen joined the server. Silence fell over Fern Bay. Once we all said our Hello's, we raced, we Tag'd ( lefty was Scawen's Team M8 ) and what a laugh we had that night. Early S1, where do you think the click button to see another driver came from, instead of pressing the TAB key
I also have a LOT of priceless moments in this year and a half that i have S2..
While reading these S1 times posts, it makes me wanna cry. I was there the whole time, but only in demo content. Didn't knew anyone with a Credit card, and i finally quit from the whole idea...
Then when S2 came out, and after watching Joe Cool's "going crazy" video, it was a feeling that i will never forget. I got overwhelmed with emotions that LFS is back in my life, and i knew that this time i must find a frikkin credit card! So the unnstopable juorney had began..
I sold my PS2 and GT4 instantly, because i knew i wont put my hands on them again, now that LFS came back in my life..
It was kinda off topic, but what the hell..

On the topic, when i have some pricelless moments or races in LFS i usually saved them, so i can watch them over and over again, but i often do that like the avi file, not the MPR.. I recently had a great race, and recorded it from my cockpit view.. It's in the LFS on Youtube thread...
i was racing on conedodgers last night, aston nat in the gtr cars, having a nice battle, i think i was in 3rd place and pretty matched with the man in front, both FXR cars, i was also pretty close, around lap 8,

we came around T1 pretty matched, got to T2 and T3 he comes in a little bit slower trying to defend and put himself wide after T2, i am up the inside, better traction, still got the left lock on, with the power down, and my girlfriend plugged a CD Player into the wall socket, we had a little power surge and the DFP spackerd up and stuck on left lock driving me into the wall illepall

quite funny
Raced in the chops sunday cup last night actually, 40 laps of as club reverse in rac's/fz5's. Had a good race with Viruz for the lead for the first quarter until I made a little gap and then had him right on my ass after the pit stops were over because he didn't take on any fuel. Advance 15 laps, I have a blow out and go off and the very next lap Viruz has a blow out and goes off. Replay's too large to attach, but you can get it at the chops website -
Here's a new one that just happened to me. I was messing with the AI to see what would happen if I put ramps on the way. I used the FOX while AI used UF1. On the landing of the jamp my car clipped and flipped once and landed.

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Flippy.spr - 84 KB - 286 views
Had some great races on the redline server last night but this one stuck out. Watch and enjoy
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fab win.mpr - 1.3 MB - 266 views
#36 - Nard
I can't find the replay file anymore, but an FOX race at AS National, I was starting 17th on the grid, and I came out of the second hairpin towards the back straight/sweepers in second place, but doing this from the inside, I went up on the curb and put the gas up a tad too fast and spun in the wall. I was just too amazed at the amount of luck and good decisions I made in half a lap to care to lose it all, that was my best moment in LFS ever =)
here, went onto MG server, and evetually we started pushing UF1s with a BF1 to see how fast it would go. We hit 160ish(mph). Then that escaladed into smashing UF1s with FXRs and FZRs.good fun.
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fun.mpr - 671.9 KB - 256 views
Finally here are my pricles momets in LFS. Here are 4 mpr replay and I recomande you whatch all 4 of then all 5 laps camera focused on me.

All the action was on me. There are some beutifull overaking and defending position moments. 3 of replays are of my demo days whit my favorit combo

And The Best of N I K I_4 is last night race. It was practice for OPS (Open Championship of Serbia). Its something like Balkan League. You can visit our practice server
GromNet & Serbian Racing Team Server
Cyber Racing Server #4

and have some good racing. In this replay in lap 4 I had I think best overtaking in my life so have fun whatching me and my rubbing and racing
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The Best of N I K I_1.mpr - 755.5 KB - 264 views
The Best of N I K I_2.mpr - 878 KB - 266 views
the Best of N I K I_3.mpr - 407.4 KB - 270 views
The Best of N I K I_4.mpr - 449.6 KB - 253 views

Your priceless moments in lfs!
(38 posts, started )