The online racing simulator
Your priceless moments in lfs!
(38 posts, started )
Your priceless moments in lfs!
I think this is a good idea, maybe not, but this thread is meant for people to post their priceless moments here like crashes, overtakes, etc etc. The idea is fairly simple just to share your giggles, i think the best way would be to post a replay of the moment and try to explain what happened.

Oh and just plain 1st corner havocs are out this time...maybe only if there's something really incredible....

Ok, i'll start off with my latest, this was done in a demo server, i just gave "Master" a setup i got off the teaminferno site. As u can see i just tailgated him, maybe too much at times, but when he had an off in the 2nd lap (T1) i was keeping fairly safe distance, i just laughed my arse off when i saw him spinning off in the XFG, i know i was a bit harsh, but he just lost his nerve...Oh and the "Ferrari" wasn't intended i tried to avoid him, but he just came into me...for that i'm really ashamed. Ok enough chatter, here's the replay...

The best view would be from Masters car, inside view, just watch his rear view mirrors
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#2 - Don
i cant post replay, because i dont have it and it happend back in 0.01 or 0.3 lfs days...

we were fooling around on some server (not really racing) and i was driving down the blackwood straight, when sudennly there was a car going in wrong way. i noticed it very late and got "scared" so i stepped on brake pedal and broke the spring inside it

i eventually repaired it, but it broke down many more times later (throttle pedal also)
Hello, well i have lots but just one replay when i was a demo racer (dunno if it works but heres it) . That day i raced for like 4 hours xD, in one race i tought i was losing the race but it was not going to be a bad race, one guy called "Hawker" and other... dont remember the name were faster than me, they were fighting all the race but in the lap 3 or 4 they hit each other on the end of the straight of blackwood and i passed 'em!! hahahaha, hawker was hunting me and at the final lap i tought he was going to pass me but he couldnt the overtake was good i liked it a lot.
Well see you, my longest post ever

Sorry for the bad english
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ah, my terrbile race. somehow i got first, with all the damage and a popped tyre. talk about dedication.
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Quote from Don :so i stepped on brake pedal and broke the spring inside it

thrustmaster ?
Back in the S1 days, when the TBO/SO Classic combo was immensely popular I was racing in on a 15 slot server. Somewhere in the second lap I was driving in my FXO next to some RB4, when I suddenly saw a very slow driving GTi in front of me. I dont really know why I didnt brake, but somehow I managed to squeeze through exactly at one of those street-crossing-gaps, as indicated on the picture I think I watched the replay like a thousand times, from all possible camera angles. Especially from the GTi it looked very close
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#8 - Don
Quote from Frankmd :Back in the S1 days, when the TBO/SO Classic combo was immensely popular I was racing in on a 15 slot server. Somewhere in the second lap I was driving in my FXO next to some RB4, when I suddenly saw a very slow driving GTi in front of me. I dont really know why I didnt brake, but somehow I managed to squeeze through exactly at one of those street-crossing-gaps, as indicated on the picture I think I watched the replay like a thousand times, from all possible camera angles. Especially from the GTi it looked very close

Damn, I would like to see that stunt
The first time I ever played the LFS demo online at Blackwood, was just exiting the pits when I got ploughed into, and my car managed to get stuck on the fence. Epitomises the demo servers though.
#11 - Woz
My most priceless happened a few nights ago but dont have a replay.

I was second in a race and a fair bit behind and on the last lap. The reace leader run out of fules before the finish and I past him at the side of the tract with a chuckle and then proceded to lag and disconnect before th elast corer


I have just so many priceless races. So many with a fellow racers in South Africa like Axus or Noemfie.

Lately though i have raced with Sinbad and on both occasions it has been close fast racing and he has managed to squeeze ahead around the outside around a corner. Just amazing talent! I keep an eye out for him now and try to race more frequent to learn this fearless, aggressive yet safe approach of passing!
I lost the replay, but my priceless moment was when racing in so with the FOX someone hit the wall and his car was lifted in the air, so i had no choice to step on the gas and it worked! i passed below him, when i watched the replay i couldn't belive that i had such luck!
No replay as it was a while ago during the initial S2 demo release April/May of 2005. You newer folks won't know about the Clean Racer's Club back then. It was a way to get rid of all the wreckers by being voted in to run on passworded servers. I got on the server (BL1/GTi, demo, remember) just after being voted into CRC. Yahoo! No more wreckers! Got into my first race in the CRC server, hit the grass at the race start going into T1, couldn't stop, didn't know the shift-S trick, trying to hit esc, then hit pit with the mouse while sliding through the grass, and took out nearly the entire field, LOL. That was the whole purpose of CRC back then, to get rid of the idiots driving straight through T1, and I do it my first race, hehe. It was quite an embarrassement after everyone was "Hey! NightHawk's here!" Then I take them all out.
ive done this a few times now.

sometimes on the chicaine on bl1 u know the one just after t1 with the fox i can barrel roll and land on my wheels and keep on going lol.

i dont know how it happens it usually caused by being pushed or going to tight round the chicaine and clipping the apex on the inside lol, ive actually done it over some1 before and it worked lol.
Possibly not the most exciting but it was a total feel good moment: racing in fox at s01 and i was closely following the leading pair. on lap 3 i get close to the back of them before the straight and find a tow. p2 also finds a tow and moves to the side to overtake leaving just enough of a gap through the middle for my car. I had a quick thought that it would be pretty risky but went slungshot inbetween then anyway and came out in the lead at the end of the straight we were 3 abrest for the next 3 corners which was a bit dicey as you can see.

It was one of those races where you just knew that you could trust the the people you were racing with to the nearest inch and that always gives me a warm glow- its a kind of psycological connection but some how linked by the internet- amazing.
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Mine just happened today at Kyoto Oval. It was the last lap online and this guy kept bumping on me. My BF1 spun hit the barrier on the pitlane flew in the air and won lol. I couldnt believe it i finished less than a second ahead of him. I should have saved the replay it was so awesome.
My priceless moment was a 'payback' during my demo days. I had this guy who kept brake-checking me when I'd draft him on the long straight at Blackwood. Eventually I got around him in the first sector, and he proceeded to crawl up my ass. I stomped the brakes, he slammed into me and spun out. Sure it was dirty.. but he had it coming.
Quote from XenoWolf :My priceless moment was a 'payback' during my demo days. I had this guy who kept brake-checking me when I'd draft him on the long straight at Blackwood. Eventually I got around him in the first sector, and he proceeded to crawl up my ass. I stomped the brakes, he slammed into me and spun out. Sure it was dirty.. but he had it coming.

Lol thats funny. Same thing happened to me back in demo. He kept brake checking me so at the end of the straight before the turn when he braked i ran into quickly breaking he ended upp hitting the wall i ended up on the sand. I won that race too.
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(imthebestracerthereis) DELETED by imthebestracerthereis
these suprised me...
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Last night was one of these moments for me , i made a nice come back from last to 3rd (with 2 aliens in front) and had some nice clean fights.
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99% of the time i forget to save the replays lol.
But the priceless moment for me was racing mrt round aston. There was me and 2 other people, race started and none of us were faster than the other with our laps always being less than 0.1 apart. But it just meant that there was no overtaking but for me (in 2nd place) i was lways pushing to catch 1st while trying to not loose time to 3rd.
Quote from ORION :try autosave?

I did, got fed up with 100000000000000000000000000000 replays lol. Although i supposes its better to have too many than none.
beat this.

bout 50 seconds in trying to drift the fo8, thought i'd move up as i can now drift the fox, i think it's good for car control to learn.

blgp reverse, come down towards the s config before the straight, and essentially i do an entire barrel roll before landing back on the wheels perfectly!

something about half rolling and then letting one slick tag the ground with my foot planted in 3rd gear gave it just the right amount of rotation!

spot on

Your priceless moments in lfs!
(38 posts, started )