The online racing simulator
Come join SimRS for a weekend of stage rally action!
I'm giving everyone plenty of advance notice this time.


Saturday, Dec. 2nd @ 12:00pm EST (GMT -5)
Sunday, Dec. 3rd @ 12:00pm EST (GMT -5)


The offical SimRS server.


I'll have the website up shortly (in the next few days I hope) for everyone to check out and get the skinny on what stage rallying on LFS will be like. In the mean time, you can check out this thread for some details.

Please send any advance entries to [email protected] or PM me here on the forums with the following information:

Real Name (Not required if your shy, but I'd prefer to have it for statistical purposes)
Player Name
Car you plan on competing with
Team (if applicable)

I'd prefer to get advance entries as opposed to people showing up at the last minute, so I have a decent idea of whether I'll have a full (10 car) field or not.

Thanks, and I hope to see you there!
hey mate sully here !!great rally last time finished up 2nd !pm me
I won't know if i can make it until middle of next week as i may be busy that weekend i really hope i can though!

I do think that while we are only using a 11 slot server it may be worth limiting the car choice further to keep everyone at the same level... if there were only a couple of people in each class it wouldnt be too good

Edit - see next post
ok i'd forgotten what my actual solution was so forget the last post if you read it this isnt tested but i cant think why it wouldnt work.... feel free to correct and/or improve the idea


Solution - A qualy or practise session is used instead of a race. At the start of the session everyone must have joined directly onto the track i.e. so your not in the pitlane. Every drives to a convenient holding point such as pitlane entry or other position which is out of the way... however it must be before the start finish and people can drive back to it if they are forward of the place. Competitors are held here until they are called forward to start. When called forward competitors must IMMEDIATELY proceed to the pole position grid slot and wait. They will then be released into the stage by the organiser. As they cross the line their lap will start and when they finish it will be recorded in the qualifiying list that is normally displayed on screen. On crossing the finish line they must spectate immediately. Cars should have gaps of approx 30 secs between them. Drivers in the holding area are reminded that they can still use 'v' and 'tab' to watch the action just like spectate mode.

In real rallying traffic is sometimes a problem so we should accept that this will be the case weith this system... if you are caught by a faster competitor, or have gone off and rejoined in fornt of someone, you should pull over and let them through. This is what happens normally!

When driving to the pole position point drivers must take extreme car not to get in the way of another driver... ideally if the holding point where on the same side of the grid as the pole position then this shouldnt be a big problem. To help ease this drivers should be called to the grid immediately after another driver has departed. this will give them 30 seconds to get there safely thus allowing time to properly check the track.

The advantages of this system are quite considerable. Each stage will be completed far quicker allowing more stages to be used. The intensity of each stage will be a lot higher as there will be a lot more action occuring at one time therefore making it more exciting. Since all the results will be displayed at the end it allows for easier recording. And for the future there is no reason while a form of online tracker could be used to help expand the event, possibly across multiple servers (although that is far beyond what we are talking about atm!! lol)

Im sure there where a few other things i meant to add to this but that'lkl do for now... feel free to comment
Andy, in theory that's an awesome idea! I haven't thought about using qualifying to time the cars... hmm. I won't be home this weekend, but as soon as I get back on Sunday night I'll root around and see how well it works.
Quote from LFSn00b :GMT +5? Ok... That means 9:00 GMT +2, can i join too?

You sure can!

I'd prefer if you send in an entry, that way I can save you a spot incase the server fills up.

NOTICE: I screwed up the time zone again, I'm located at GMT -5, not +5!
Thats kool let me know if it works or not!
if there is a lot free, i´ll take it.
Name: J. Mayers
PlayerName: noGrip
LFSWorldName: ACLRacer
Car: XFG
Team: currently no team

greetz noGrip
Ok, 12.00pm at -5 gmt, so it's 7.00am at GMT, so it's 8.00am at +1 GMT (my zone, Italy).
A bit early, but what the heck count me in!
Now i will only need to not party too much during week end!
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Right... so that everyone understands... if he is gmt -5 that means that his time is 5 hours LESS than gmt or 5 hours BEHIND gmt. So when he says 12.00pm (gmt -5) that means gmt is actually 17.00 (5pm)!!!!! so gmt +1 would therefore be 18.00 (6pm)!!!

Sorry for the confusion!

Also, I forgot to mention that when you send in entries (and thanks to those who have!) try and give me an idea of which event you're running (Saturday or Sunday).
No no, the confusion it's all in my head!
Ok so the race it's at 19.00 in GMT +2, wonderful!
i´ll take part on (if its possible) both event sat and sun.
greetz noGrip
Bumpage. See you guys tommorrow! I'm working on getting the website setup, but I've been unable to find much spare time with school and work.
Congrats to noGrip, who schooled the entire field in a lowly XFG!

Hope to see some of the same faces tommorrow!

Official final results are shown below:
Attached images
I got something really cool planned for tommorrow!
Congrats to Lococost, who narrowly escaped the grasp of noGrip and David to win the Sunday afternoon club rally!

Final results below (DNF's in red):
Attached images
I really enjoyed the events and looking forward to more of this kind!
Anyway i would like to share some idea for improvement:

The fact that not everyone knows all the combos that will be selected may advantage the ones that have already raced in those combo. Yeah i know Lococost has proved me wrong!
But why dont make some rally/moretight layouts then Xenowolf make a lap to show them to us (and so he can unoficcially participate and have some fun). This will aproximate the "recognitions" that there are in rallys.
Obviously layout have to be not to long and easy to remember...
I know it's more easy to say than to do but i like the idea...
I would like to know your ideas about!

P.S. An example of the layouts i have in mind:
It's not too tight or too wide (like a normal street) and it isnt completely different from the original track but still have some interesting rally turns and hairpins.

P.S. Improvement N°2: Ban NoGrip. So we can have fair races...

P.S. Mmmhh, looking to Xenowolf signature... and if Xenowolf connects to TeamSpeak and do the codriver to the ones that request?
Attached files
FE3_RallyRuben.lyt - 2.9 KB - 192 views
Quote from Rubenz81 :I really enjoyed the events and looking forward to more of this kind!


Quote from Rubenz81 : The fact that not everyone knows all the combos that will be selected may advantage the ones that have already raced in those combo.

True, but that's part of 'real' rallying. Those with experience may know the stage, those without don't. In reality, LFS doesn't give me much stage variety, so after a couple of events any stage I use will likely become familiar.

Quote from Rubenz81 : But why dont make some rally/moretight layouts then Xenowolf make a lap to show them to us (and so he can unoficcially participate and have some fun). This will aproximate the "recognitions" that there are in rallys.

Right now I'm avoiding layouts simply because I don't have much time to make them (I'm a full-time student, work five days a week and travel throughout the U.S. fairly often). Now as SimRS grows and I recruit more organizers, custom layouts may become more common.

As far as recce, it's something I'll be implimenting soon. I doubt I'll allow competitors to take a 'practice lap'. Instead, like you suggested, I'll do one myself so everyone can get a look at the course (and even make notes if they want).

Quote from Rubenz81 : P.S. Improvement N°2: Ban NoGrip. So we can have fair races...

Done! (Just kidding..)

Quote from Rubenz81 : P.S. Mmmhh, looking to Xenowolf signature... and if Xenowolf connects to TeamSpeak and do the codriver to the ones that request?

Not a bad idea, I might consider that in the future.
i enjoyed the events 2 and i hope we´ll have some more in the future.
And if u (xenowolf) look for help, doing layouts etc. you can count on me and probably on ruben .
banned noGrip
Yup count on me for layouts, the one made was a 5 min. work i can make others if you like.
So when the next event?
Quote from Rubenz81 :So when the next event?

None this weekend, I have finals next week to study for. I'll most likely have one next weekend though.
Ok, looking forward!
I managed to do some simple rally layouts, if you like them we could use them in next event.
Password for the file it's in PM.
Good luck with studyng!
Attached files
layout.rar - 4.6 KB - 177 views