The online racing simulator
Remove "other" flag from LFSW.
(72 posts, started )
Remove "other" flag from LFSW.
Last time I checked, every single country had a flag on LFSW, so why do we need other. It's just for people to duck out from saying where they are from.

Also flags on car windows and flags on top of drivers names with names over cars.
Quote from duke_toaster :Last time I checked, every single country had a flag on LFSW, so why do we need other.

Quote from duke_toaster :It's just for people to duck out from saying where they are from.

Bingo. There are people who are not interested about showing their nationalities.
Quote from duke_toaster :Also flags on car windows and flags on top of drivers names with names over cars.

#3 - Renku
Quote :Remove "other" flag from LFSW

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Replace the ? with pure nothingness.
Quote from geeman1 :Agreed.
Replace the ? with pure nothingness.

I meant remove it with no replacement and - ideally - make national flags based on payment method (if possible) and fixed.
Quote from duke_toaster :It's just for people to duck out from saying where they are from.

Nasty lot the bunch of them.

Quote :Also flags on car windows and flags on top of drivers names with names over cars.

As long as it's an option.
Not sure about putting them on car windows, most people who are inclined to advertise their nationality usually add a flag on their car's skin (extreme patriots also opt for their own skin). And I think in most racing series' that I've seen the flag is usually on the car body anyhow.
Also make nationality changeable, i'm not sure if it is anywhere, but i've tried to find it and am lumbered in the same category as you evil invading English*!

*Being half-English myself, I conclude that I have invaded myself. I am therefor a walking civil war.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I might be going a bit off-topic here, but whats up with some Englishmen (strictly speaking) going with the union jack and others with st george's cross? Is it a generation thing?
I simply adblock the [ ? ] image, because I think it looks ugly
Quote from AndroidXP :I simply adblock the [ ? ] image, because I think it looks ugly

Great idea
I did just that, now the ? is not bothering me anymore
Quote from Becky Rose :*Being half-English myself, I conclude that I have invaded myself. I am therefor a walking civil war.


Quote from thisnameistaken :Edit: If I was forced to have an England flag on my cars I would make Nick Griffin skins with slogans like "Let's show the ethnics the door in 2004" on them.

I never said anything about supporting the BNP. I'd like to see that pr*ck Nick Griffin burnt alive.

Anyway, back on topic I guess...
Quote from Becky Rose :Also make nationality changeable, i'm not sure if it is anywhere, but i've tried to find it and am lumbered in the same category as you evil invading English*!

Go to the lfs homepage and log in from the license thing on the top right, then go to account details.
Or you could make a script which will make a naked woman show up instead of a [ ? ] flag. :smash:
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from felplacerad :I might be going a bit off-topic here, but whats up with some Englishmen (strictly speaking) going with the union jack and others with st george's cross? Is it a generation thing?

Its more of a geographical and neighbourhood thing tbh. Ironically the only true English folk in the UK are the celts; specifically the Cornish, Welsh and some of the Scots. The more right-wing groups who insist on flying the English flag aren't members of any of the above historical groups, and often take the piss out of the Welsh.

Tbh, I'm all for choice, and if someone would like to not fly their national flag, then it can only be a good thing. I'd love to see the World flag return, or replace it with an Internet flag (how nerdy is that?) if it doesn't exist still though.
Quote from Becky Rose :Also make nationality changeable

It's a good idea but would propably cause more harm than good.
I wouldn't like to see too many people come from Jamaica or Burkina Faso.. In no offense with those countries, of course
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from frokki :-1
It's a good idea but would propably cause more harm than good.
I wouldn't like to see too many people come from Jamaica or Burkina Faso.. In no offense with those countries, of course

But it IS already changeable...

E: I'm from Afghanistan.
E2: Not anymore.
E3: Haha, it won't go away. Stupid forum caching
Quote :Go to the lfs homepage and log in from the license thing on the top right, then go to account details.

Woot! Burn the English.

No not me! Well ok, my left half.
Quote from thisnameistaken :One thing you haven't mentioned yet: Why do you want to do this? What difference does it make to you if I don't have a flag on my car? I don't go telling you how to decorate your car.

the flag is usefull as an excuse for your driving style

Quote from AndroidXP :But it IS already changeable...

E: I'm from Afghanistan.
E2: Not anymore.
E3: Haha, it won't go away. Stupid forum caching

so tyres hot was you all along
i effing knew it !
Quote from duke_toaster :I never said anything about supporting the BNP. I'd like to see that pr*ck Nick Griffin burnt alive.

Can I just ask, have you read their full manifesto, or are you just getting your 'he's a prick' attitude because of a newspaper, or Have I Got News For You?

Seriously, read it. It will enlighten you, even if you don't agree with it, and you'll be able to make more enlightened arguments than 'burn him'.

Besides, he's not a duck or a witch!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#22 - Gunn
Quote from duke_toaster :Last time I checked, every single country had a flag on LFSW, so why do we need other. It's just for people to duck out from saying where they are from.

Also flags on car windows and flags on top of drivers names with names over cars.

My country has a stupid flag. It's illegal to burn the silly things but at least I have the choice not to fly it.
+1 for removing that "other" flag, and making sure people have their right flag/location.

Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm a bit of a dirty lefty, and I think national borders do nothing but cause trouble.

Even though we have some country heckling and bashing, I still think the forum should have a lesson learned about ignoring what country you are from, and focus more on the flag as representing purely where they are from -- not what they represent. This is a common problem with some users on the forum, and I don't understand why we don't enforce any jokes about other countries... this isn't the place for that. I'd rather see people use their proper flags, and act a bit more competent about someone's own country, and not base judgements from stereotypes or politics.

Knowing where someone is from is good to know in many situations, we aren't pinpointing your exact location, it's just your location and it's nice to know where other LFS'ers are from.

If some users don't like to show what country they live in... that's just a bit odd. I am NOT 100% proud of my country, but it doesn't hurt to tell others where I am from. I guess others feel differently about their flag/country?
I don't care what flag people display and it should be up to individuals if they want to display one or not - although it is helpful in identifying whether some peoples' dodgy posts are because of simple difficulty with learning English as a second language or due to simple ignorance of it as a first language

I'm happy to be identified as an Aussie and there are many, many things I love about this place and its people. There are also things that shit me to tears and even shame me (the treatment of the Aborigines for one, the complicity in Iraq war crimes for another - it's like we didn't learn a damn thing from Vietnam ffs), so I can't say I'm 100% proud of my country - specifially the current government and many of the governments before it. Australians (or anyone from anywhere) who say things like "my country, right or wrong" or "you don't like it, go home" or whatever strike me as people who don't pay attention to the news. If your country's in the wrong, it's your patriotic duty to make a fuss and call your government out on it! Countries are just made up of people and people do stupid, sometimes flat-out evil things. I'm all for patriotism if it floats your boat, but sometimes it can be maniuplated into nationalism, which can turn militant, fundamentalist or even imperialist very quickly (I'm sure we're all familiar with the Nazis). To think your country is inherently superior to another country and is forever incapable of error, for no other reason than you were born in it, is illogical and conceited imho. Aha, found a quote which I think's pretty spot on:

"Patriotism is proud of a country's virtues and eager to correct its deficiencies; it also acknowledges the legitimate patriotism of other countries, with their own specific virtues. The pride of nationalism, however, trumpets its country's virtues and denies its deficiencies, while it is contemptuous toward the virtues of other countries. It wants to be, and proclaims itself to be, "the greatest," but greatness is not required of a country; only goodness is." Sydney J Harris, US author and journalist.

Albert Einstein was less diplomatic on the subject:

"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

Also, my country's flag has another country's flag taking up a quarter of it, which I think is somewhat outdated, a relic of our colonial & imperial past. Perhaps it's time we had a look at that

I wonder sometimes: these people who are ultra-patriotic and put flags in their yards and pick fights with people who criticise their country's actions (without considering whether the critic has a point) - has it occurred to them that you have absolutely no choice where you're born (sometimes, not even your parents get to choose )? If you aren't born here, you're born there. Therefore, it makes no sense to proclaim that the place where you happened to be born is the greatest place in the world - you didn't choose to be born there and you haven't been everywhere else For all I know, much as I love where I live, New Zealand (where I was recently) is actually, literally, the greatest country in the world! I must admit, it was pretty sweet

PS: tiny idea: you could always replace the "other" flag with a tiny world globe or an LFS logo
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
All I am seeing is "I", "I", "I", where did I say you were the one? Quoting people really throws people off... they think the entire reply is towards them.

You're taking this way out of proportion. But thanks for the info :up:

That sad thing is, I meant to say I am NOT 100% proud of my country --- CRAP THAT IS A BAD TYPO!!! :doh: (sentence should make more sense now)