An opened letter to Scawen. 
Recently, you've made translatable the configurations. For the latin-script languages this is ok. But for the languages with non-latin scripts, it is a half-measure.
1) Writing in native script is more natural because of phonetics and grammar. For example, we use to write world maps in Cyrillic, though not translating the names, just transcripting [writing their sounds in cyrillic]. If we write them in latin, the sound will be unclear.
Track names also need to bee translatable. (or transcriptable)
I'm not going to translate "black" and "wood" literally, I need to write it in cyrillic. (Translating or transcripting of foreign titles is a different question, I don't rush into discussing it here). Others may leave them as they are.
2) Translations are needed to conduct the ideas. "Blackwood Rallycross" means "rallycross configuration of Blackwood raceway". This has to be expressed correctly, and in Russian I need auxilliary words to avoid ambiguity or a different word order.
For example, if I transcript "Fern Bay" and translate "Gold" into Russian, and join them as in English (Ферн Бэй Золотая), it will be odd. (For example, it will have another meaning: "Fern Bay is golden").
The best in Russian would be "Gold circuit of Fern Bay". (Well, here I could ask to decline track names, but that's too much I guess
), ok, "Gold circuit. Fern Bay"/"Fern Bay. Gold circuit" will be fine.
I need something like "Fern Bay%s" string, where I could write "Ферн Бэй. %s кольцо" to sort out the titles. This part will be useful not only for my translation.

Recently, you've made translatable the configurations. For the latin-script languages this is ok. But for the languages with non-latin scripts, it is a half-measure.
1) Writing in native script is more natural because of phonetics and grammar. For example, we use to write world maps in Cyrillic, though not translating the names, just transcripting [writing their sounds in cyrillic]. If we write them in latin, the sound will be unclear.
Track names also need to bee translatable. (or transcriptable)
I'm not going to translate "black" and "wood" literally, I need to write it in cyrillic. (Translating or transcripting of foreign titles is a different question, I don't rush into discussing it here). Others may leave them as they are.
2) Translations are needed to conduct the ideas. "Blackwood Rallycross" means "rallycross configuration of Blackwood raceway". This has to be expressed correctly, and in Russian I need auxilliary words to avoid ambiguity or a different word order.
For example, if I transcript "Fern Bay" and translate "Gold" into Russian, and join them as in English (Ферн Бэй Золотая), it will be odd. (For example, it will have another meaning: "Fern Bay is golden").
The best in Russian would be "Gold circuit of Fern Bay". (Well, here I could ask to decline track names, but that's too much I guess

I need something like "Fern Bay%s" string, where I could write "Ферн Бэй. %s кольцо" to sort out the titles. This part will be useful not only for my translation.