The messages that appear on the middle of the screen (Like "Drive-Through Penalty") are too big and they don't dissapear until a new message or so.
Thank you.
Although it may not be a thread-worthy suggestion, I agree.
Blue Flag/Time Penalty etc messages should be smaller and further towards the top of the screen.
the flags r also bit annoying... better would be ( for all flags / drive trough ect. ) slow blinking 3 times then it goes smaller and up in the left egde of the screen or something like that.
erm, yellow flags are just shown for a very short period
blue flags: let the car behind you pass and they disappear
penalties: It's only there for one lap (if you do you pitstop the next lap), so it's no big deal.
In a race, how quick you do that one lap often is a big deal. And I agree messages such as the drive-through in the middle of your screen for up to 2 minutes can be quite annoying.
And as for the blue flag, they too can be there quite long without you actually impeding the guy behind you. Maybe they should return to big every 10-15 seconds or so, before returning to smaller and the top of the screen.
Marshalls doing the work would be even nicer though. On the other hand, that shouldn't replace the text messages completely as in RL you would also have some team guy telling you over the radio...