TEST Patch U35 (obsolete)
(382 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Does anyone else have a problem with Calibration Lock going off everytime you exit LFS? I have to do the "Press Pedals, Turn Wheel Left/ Right" drill everytime I start LFS, and Calib Lock is always off when I check - even when I turn it on and exit LFS and restart....

Yes, I have been noticing this. First press of the brake peddal locks it all up if you forget.

Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Uhhh... Well uh.... Er, YOU said it not me !


I just cranked up sound now, does the trick even my ears hurt. Anyway sound has improved a lot, specially this latest sound update is incredible, can't stop driving that RAC now it sounds great too. Should test other cars too, but I kind of trust what BBT tells about sound

I think I have got that calibration lock loss since I got dfp, more than one year.
Quote from Scawen :OK, I had to stay up late to sort out a few more engines, I knew some of them could be improved within the current system.

So click this link if you'd like to test 10 engine sounds. It was 8 which actually have a changed sound but I just added your request for the GTR Turbo air intakes, BBT.

Please back up your engine folder first so you can compare the new and old versions. If they are liked by most people when I get up then they can go in patch and version V. You can reload an engine by pitting in and out (or entry screen and back - any car reload) you don't need to restart LFS.




thank you Scawen for your fabulous job !!!

mery christmass to you and all lfs drivers

best regard
Had a quick scan, can't see these mentioned, so here goes. edit.....This is with U36

1) Gear whine has some terrible looping, about 1 sec intervals, in the FZR, not sure about others, and I haven't tested the 8 sounds in a zip on the previous page.

2) On exiting LFS after an online game I get, screen hang with "Closing 1 connect", and then LFS.exe has caused a problem blah blah.
Unfortunatly, I didn't look, yes, yes, I know, kinda pointless metioning it without the crash address

Wow, just had a quick poke, and I think the sound is AMAZING on the LX6 now. (I think I might have to use some EQ for my system but that's another matter.) The LX4 is also astonishing!

Looking at the time of that post, I'm struggling to understand why you aren't on the list of nominees for sim personality of 2006 from AutoSimSport.

My brother also had a go - I've never seen him drive the LX6 so well, so you're definitely doing something right! I would give more of a test but I'm off to go karting! Now release V and have a more-than-well-deserved rest!
I've only had a chance to try the new engine updates for the RB4, LX6 and XRT so far and all three are excellent. It's a pure delight to listen to the engine note when blipping on downshifts or when breathing the throttle on long sweepers. These are definitely keepers.
Sounds better than U36 I think
Hhhmm BF1 sounded far better in U35 than U36 imo it sounds more synthetic now. Mrt sounds a bit better though in U36 lol

Hhhmm bit vague aren't i?

On another note when the sounds are finally finished (yeah yeah i know just hear me out) will the BF1 sound like it does on TV or in Real Life after attending the Aus GP this year i can tell ya those F1's sound NOTHING like they do on TV
can't open my name, i alwas drive with tat name but i can't open it after patch u36 i get the view , srry that it is dutch.

Attached images
lfs error.JPG
Quote from hotmail :can't open my name, i alwas drive with tat name but i can't open it after patch u36 i get the view , srry that it is dutch.


switch ingame to english and post again
or is LFS now unuseable?

btw...just listened to the comparison some posts posted before...
the new patched sounds are really nice now...

love all...
imho also the FZR sounds nice...
me is satisfied (sometimes you think you stand behinde a rocket, but it's ok)
Quote from danowat :1) Gear whine has some terrible looping, about 1 sec intervals, in the FZR, not sure about others, and I haven't tested the 8 sounds in a zip on the previous page.

Yes, you and some others mentioned it, thanks, there was a "tick tick tick" and I've now chosen a better loop now so it's the same but loops better.
The newest sounds - from this thread, are the best yet. Loving in particular the RB4, FZ5 & LX4/6. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have thought LFS's synth engine could produce results like these.
well, when I read all tread, every poast, I think that You (Scawen) are now free to publish "V" patch with no problems. Wasn't able to test all cars, only XRT XFG and XRG (out of unlocks) but these 3 cars that I mentioned sounds really good. Keep up the good work, and have a good holiday break
I really love how the sounds are coming along could sit in the pits listening to the engines all day especially the LX6

One thing bothers me though if I ignore the RPM dial and just listen to the engine sound, I get the impression its half the RPM of what it actually shows if I compare to RL. E.g. 6,000 RPM is what I'd expect 3,000 RPM on my car to sound like, am I missing something obvious or do others get the same impression

Just thinking about an engine and its sounds... on the compression stroke it fires making a noise in a sealed chamber then once the power stroke is over the valves open to let the burnt gases out and resonating sound from the explosion moments before creating the impression of a second exlposion, thus making a 3,000 RPM four stroke sound more aggressive than what we would initially expect Only explanation I could think of

Anyway all the sounds sound great to me, its just they sound half the RPM of what they show... 3,000 RPM sounds like idle speed I've sat beside a race breed V8 idling at 2,000RPM and it doesn't sound like my car idling at 1,000 RPM, in contrast it made the ground shake with its awsome power
Quote from biggie :No love for #8 or #7 so far? I think these sound pretty decent too and should be "fairly easy" to implement.

About #3: if I had known before that everyone digs it so much, I'd have noted exactly how I did it. Unfortunately I can't seem to reproduce it anymore (originating from the base sound)

Yo, no worries sound #8 for me. #3 is to sharp.
The new sounds are great. Good work Scawen!

If it is possible at this point to implent this, it would be very nice:
When in custom view for tin-tops (w/ draw car) the map is the ligher version, and this is causing some trouble for me because the map is in the sky most of the time for me. Would it be possible to use the dark version for this view? Using an option in the menu perhaps?

And a question:
For future test patches, will the updater work for these or will it only pick up normal updates?
Quote from DanneDA :The new sounds are great. Good work Scawen!

I think we could have confusion here because of the sounds in different driving positions.

I still think the old U28 FZR sounds were much better than U36 however i do like the gear click (Louder please)

DanneDA says the sounds are great and he drives a FZR normally when on ConeDodgers the same as me, but he drives in "custom view" sitting on the bonnet.

I have tried that and the sound is much better than the one when in the more normal drivers seat view that most of us use.

Its difficult to compare notes if we all use different driving positions and are so hearing different sounds.

As i want LFS to be a sim, and so as close to the real thing as possible i only driver in the drivers view even though i can get faster times in other views, using then makes me feel like i am cheating.

In the drivers view the engine is just to perfectly smooth like a road car, race cars with that amount of power are just not like that. Race engines used on circuits have a smaller power band than a road car and when outside of that power band sound as rough as hell. The current FZR sound from U36 sound pack gets rid of the boom but it still need balls and downright noise. Perhaps using the current outside engine sound inside would help a pit as a stop gap.

I would ask DanneDA to try the sounds inside the car and see what he thinks so we are all singing from the same hymm sheet, so to speak.
Quote from DanneDA :The new sounds are great. Good work Scawen!

If it is possible at this point to implent this, it would be very nice:
When in custom view for tin-tops (w/ draw car) the map is the ligher version, and this is causing some trouble for me because the map is in the sky most of the time for me. Would it be possible to use the dark version for this view? Using an option in the menu perhaps?

And a question:
For future test patches, will the updater work for these or will it only pick up normal updates?


No, I can't change the map colour now - I understand your point but it really needs an option. It's too complicated for now. Anyway I've built the final V exe already, and I'm putting together the versions. I will only change anything now if there is a crash or some serious bug!

The updater may be used for future test patches, if so then you would have to add a small config file, that would put you into "test patch mode". That is supported already (using a special mechanism that allows data-only updates). So... it can be done. At the moment it's not the easiest way for me to make a small patch, too many files in too many places, but I hope to automate some of that to make it easier.
Quote from Scawen :Anyway I've built the final V exe already, and I'm putting together the versions. I will only change anything now if there is a crash or some serious bug!

Go Go Gadget-o-V!
Version V engine sounds
Hello. Here is the final edit for the V engine sounds. Final as in, final for V, not final for ever. I had to resave them all with a better looping gear sound without a click in it. Also made minor adjustments to road cars gear whine volume, and reduced / lowered the intake noise on the FZR.

I'm just posting them here in case anyone finds a major error in one of them, while I'm getting the V versions together.

Download (please make sure you have auto-updated to version U36 first) :

That man refuses to sleep

Me too, will test them now
Sounds good.
This thread is closed

TEST Patch U35 (obsolete)
(382 posts, closed, started )