The online racing simulator
Quote from XCNuse :tire.. just normal tires going down the road sound, that sound of stickyness and whirring

You mean the general rumbling noise made from rolling? Perhaps tweaking the "road.wav" (used to be "road.raw") sample could adjust that?

Which also brings me to mention that the road.wav is audible earlier than the engine sound is at a distance.

Attached is a sample of the BF1 coming from the chicane and passing the camera which is stationary at the bridge. You can start hearing "road.wav" as soon as the car is at the chicane, then you hear the engine noise as it crests the "hill".
Attached files
LFS_road_sound_before_engine_sound.mp3 - 242.4 KB - 399 views
after sum days of playin the new sounds (U32-35), i must say i am kinda pleased for now, they are an improve so far (we all know they need more work to be really good).

i just want to say i would prefer a more hard exhaust simulation in sound for the future, i mean most of that cars are (really) racecars that should sound like RACE cars in RL its always chillin my neck when sitting in a race car and someone overtakes me (that CAN happen) and i listen his powerexhaust next to me, makes me more adrenalin than a loooong highspeedcorner

so dont forget big bad mufflers in future

ps: i am not a rF fan but that vid makes me wanna race that car
rF - RS200 rF - RS200 Cockpit

i want that sound on FXO WRC just in lfs s3 style cheers
Quote from filur :I think you've managed to slightly improve the LFS sound with to some added distortion.

Just "open the window" a bit and it should sound something like this (without the using-a-mic-to-record-speakers @ 8khz effect)

That sounds pretty cool
Quote from tiagolapa :That sounds pretty cool

That's what i was about to say.
The GTI sounds a way lot better.
Tested U35
Sounds are still terribly muffled inside the car .. Overall the sound is much better, but inside the car you can't hear squat when it comes to tire scrubbing and road noise and stuff like that. All the higher pitched sounds are just *missing* or so low they might as well not be there at all. If you turn your speakers up loud enough to hear the higher pitched stuff, the speakers are making more noise than a REAL CAR.. and the tweeters aren't even working.

It Isn't just a little off, it's off so far that the most of the good sounds that you want to hear are completely inaudible. This whole "muffled sound inside the car for realism" only will work when the sounds are perfect to begin with.. Sorry but they are far from it. It sounds like you are listening to a video game with ear plugs on with very loud speakers.

What most of the cars sound like are a loud vacuum cleaner or hair dryer at different speeds.. there is a very nasty mid-range/mid-bass spike in the overall tone that just sounds bad. Taking out all the treble doesn't make it sound more realistic, it just makes it sound dead.

Just to make it *tolerable* inside the cockpit I had to use an insane curve like shown below. Inside the cockpit it actually sounds pretty good with the EQ set like this..

Then the problem is of course replays and cameras outside the car are way too loud and screechy sounding with the equalizer set like this.. and you can hear all the pops and clicks that are usually muffled.

That's the only way to do make it *bearable* so you can play LFS for more than 5 minutes at a time if driving in cockpit mode without getting a massive headache though..

It is amazing to me that anyone could hear what it sounds like inside the cockpit of the XF GTI for example, and then just leave it like that. It MUST sound different on different sound cards. That;s the only thing that makes any sense at all. It needs *huge changes* to sound anywhere near acceptable, even tolerable without crazy EQ adjustments..

The strange thing is, you can tell a lot of work has gone into the sounds, and form the outside things are sounding great!! It's only in the cockpit view that people are being punished with this horrible muffled-droning-monotonous sound. Please at least give us a choice, let us equalize these cockpit sounds to match our hardware. The sliders as they are don't even begin to let you fix this downright painful sound. Yet the chase cam racers with game-pads get treated to all the scrubbing and road noise you could want. Frustrating.
#81 - p1u
I must say I am pretty happy now for the sound improvements :O
Sounds are not yet perfect, but I am happy that they are making em better
Yeah they do sound pretty nice... just not inside the cockpit.
Quote from Winkel :30-36s of the "LFS_sound_FZR" shows the rpm sound that i don`t like in fzr ... i get a headache because of it

Maybe Scawen's sick of everybody racing AS3/GTR too. Think of it as a sign.
Quote from BWX232 :It is amazing to me that anyone could hear what it sounds like inside the cockpit of the XF GTI for example, and then just leave it like that.

Well I just was racing with the XF GTi for about 2 hours with U35 it sounds not that bad to me but I do agrea it is still pretty hard to hear what the tyres are doing (although a lot better) I was doing 15 lap races and normally do 1335x - 1338x with the inside edge of the tyres getting to around 55 - 56 deg with the U35 patch I can still get these lap times easily enough but am finding it harder to be consistent as I can't hear the tyres as well as before and they are overheating towards the end of the races as a consequnce .

The sound of the tyres has definately imrpoved though but if that is how patch V comes out I'll be editing the tyre sound files to be a little louder

As a side note, it is not just different hardware that effects how we all compare sounds it's also our ears we will not all be equal in that department for example I know I have above average ability at hearing the higher frequency ranges than most... but the mid range frequencies have been damaged from years of using power tools so what we each hear will be quite different
Quote from GP4Flo :With window while connecting activated, LFS still switches back to full screen when restarting after an auto update. This can cause problems with firewalls or virus scanners taking the focus away from LFS (this has already been reported in the old thread).

OK, I think the simple solution is for the restarter program to ask you if you want to restart LFS.

So I've made it ask that question after it has done the unzipping. If you say no, it just exits and you can restart LFS whenever you like.

Please could anyone who wants to test it, put this restarter program (from the attached zip file) into your LFS folder (overwrite the existing one) so it will get a test when I put up U36 a bit later today.
Attached images
Attached files - 17.9 KB - 316 views
Scawen, I've requested extra unlock, sorry for disturbing you even here
Quote from Scawen :OK, I think the simple solution is for the restarter program to ask you if you want to restart LFS.

I'll test it, although I think that the problem could be solved without the restarter asking you. It's nice that the whole update process is so fast now without any dialog boxes and it wouldn't be good to make it more complicated.

My suggestion:

Add a line like "Autorestart 0" to the cfg.txt, with basically the same function like "Start Windowed 0". When there is an update available and window while connecting is on, LFS could set the line to 1 and LFS will be restarted in windowed mode instead of full screen. After the auto restart the line goes back to 0, so it will only start windowed once.
Quote from alliennas :Scawen, I've requested extra unlock, sorry for disturbing you even here

Hi. I'm not responding to unlock requests here.

That is technical support - it's a different person. I'm too busy programming.
So, the sounds should improve, but without the actual time and work that separates the present state of the game from the future improved states?

If it were possible to do both all the framework, and the final polishing, before Scawen and co. want to call it a year, it would be done.
It's not like the U30 sounds were realistic, nor like it will spoil appreciation of the fine tuned sounds when they do come out.

There'll be plenty of opportunities to give feedback and suggestions when the car sounds aesthetics are the focus.. right now it isn't the objective.
All the fuss in the world won't change that..
(Viper93) DELETED by Viper93
I am a FZR fan so i have tried and tried the new sounds but still dislike it and the other GTR's.

I have uet to find anyone on Conedodgers who has a good word for them.

I keep trying to try tp expalin what they sound like but could not come up with anything,

Washing Machine, Poorly tuned radio, but then my wife shouted are you using the vacuum cleaner.

I have to agree with her in a test the FZR is now almost the same as my wifes Dyson.

Please give the GTR's some balls like race cars rather than a road car.
Quote from Andreas Grauel :I'll test it as well scawen and the idea by Flo (autorestart "0" blabla) is very good

agree too...
nice idea
#92 - axus
I'll agree that the GTRs are a sore spot with the sound updates. Virtually every other car has gotten better.
i dont want requesters in autoupdate process, if possible. thanks.
U36 update is online. Click list of games to get it.

I've reduced the clipping issues (which were serious as the BF1 went totally silent under the bridge due to excessive clipping) and tried to get rid of some low frequency drone in some cars, and reduce the muffled effect and increase some high frequencies in all the cars.

Also the new translator names have been added.

I hope most people think it's an improvement / doesn't give them headaches or whatever. If it's acceptable for now then U36 is a final test, and will be the same as Patch V.
The whole "AutoPatch Restart | Yes / No" thing should be on the options screen.

I'm starting to wonder if Scawen is just some kind of programming machine. He doesn't seem to sleep and has given us 4 patches this week. Surely he cannot be a mere human! is much closer to real life than lfs output. and i dont see anyone complaining OMG ITS CLIPPING.

Quote from filur :I think you've managed to slightly improve the LFS sound with to some added distortion.

Just "open the window" a bit and it should sound something like this (without the using-a-mic-to-record-speakers @ 8khz effect)

Very good example, thanks. dats what i've been saying all along to a (...); posted this somewhere else but i'll paste here also (about complains on clipping bla bla):

so it should be, as far as my knowledge goes.
i am getting very tired of this clipping complex.
its all a matter of generated range being greater than the displayable audio range. dbwise, im not even talking freqwise.
if u wanted the absolute highest generated sound in lfs not to clip (lets say a 20 car pile up at same time all revving at max revs, pilling up against some SO rail all at same time and screeching tyres all at once), then the normal idle sound of a solo car in blackwood or the change gear would be generated at such a low sound u couldnt possibly hear it on ya speakers, even if u maxxed them.
the order of magnitude would be too greatly different.
any normalization/volume compression technique, i am against. sux. doesnt happen irl so it shouldn't happen in lfs.
what u should do is make the softest and quieter sound generated from lfs be barely heard in a normal volume system (100% windows sound of coz), and work the scale from there.
no compression plz, and if it clips, it clips. clipping is part of almost ALL racing vids we see. when u see (hear) someone chatting in pitbox, an then enter lemans proto and go around lemans with 700hp screaming u cant possibly ask for the recording method and the displaying medium to capture and rerender that 100% accurately as irl.
just let it clip, your ears will clip it also anyway.
work the scale (spectrum) of generated plethora of sounds but nevermind the big crash clips etc.
lowering bf1 wind is not accurate. if anything it should be even louder. both engine scream and wind turbulence should make anything else impossible to hear. yet in lfs u can still hear the skid of the slipangle at +300kmh
as if each sound/sample generated/played by lfs has its own db scale in reference to overall db spectrum. as if they werent all together in the same world. making the end result sound very abnormal and unreal. very ethereal. incredibly synth in the bad meaning of the word. defying immersion instead of helping it. as u know a blank space is filled by our imagination, but if a dreadful drawing is there , our imagination cant fill it with beauty. get my drift?
anything magical u wanna introduce me to, be my guest. im all ears.
Tested upgrade to U36 w/ your altered restart exe and got a problem when LFS was restarted.
LFS was went to fullscreen, but wasn't focused. I had to use Alt+Tab to get LFS to regain focus to be able to do anything in LFS.

Edit: What's up with the Username/Password popup for "Private" at, shown here on the forum?
Hm... I just have test U35 patch in demo server (XFG on Blackwood GP), and I noticed a change in velocity...

Maybe for this update:

"Realistic speedometer based on drive shaft speed"

Ex: Now I made the corner after the long straight at 112 113 and before this patch I made it at about 108 109. But the final time is always the same... So what I have noticed this change. Is normally? And the car seems to be more stable and easy to drive.

Is it possible?

(P.S: Sorry for english not perfect...)
It's a change in the speedo - it now works like a real speedo and takes the speed from the differential rather than the velocity vector of the whole car, and also takes into account wheel slip (which is always present when moving).
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TEST Patch U35 (obsolete)
(382 posts, closed, started )