][::][ I Need Halp PLZ .. If Anybady Has Answer ][::][
first of all thanks for reading my post

Will my quastion is

I love play LFS all the time ,and it's a great game but all i want is how can i get with FXO CAR and with that car in the ONLINE?

If anybady has an answer for my quastion i will be thankful.
#2 - Jakg
Quote from ViKTOOR-LFS :I love play LFS all the time ,and it's a great game but all i want is how can i get with FXO CAR and with that car in the ONLINE?

You need an S2 license to do that.

Edit: Damn you weebull^Wjak. You win this time
#4 - (SaM)

EDIT: Haha, 3 equal posts in 1 minute... we sure do love recommending buying S2 to demo racers, don't we.
thanks for the answers
Quote from ViKTOOR-LFS :
I love play LFS all the time ,and it's a great game but all i want is how can i get with FXO CAR and with that car in the ONLINE?

are you saying you are playing with that car offline but you can't get it to work online?

he is saying:

how can i get with FXO CAR
(how) with that car in the ONLINE?
So, V1KTo0R, does that mean you have the FXO now but you can't use it online? If you have the FXO as a demo user, something smells fishy.

Or is Babelfish simply playing tricks on you (and us)? Which is it? Fish or fishy?
Quote from BlakjeKaas :No,

he is saying:

how can i get with FXO CAR
(how) with that car in the ONLINE?

Exactly, something that implies that he is using that car offline.
No, he is asking how do I get that car, and how do I get the car to work online. Why would he be asking how to get the car and how to use it online if he already has it. He would have asked how would I use it online.

You guys need to look deeper instead of jumping on peoples a**es..