Merry Christmas!
(22 posts, started )
Gotta admit, i have too many skins etc. so i most probably wont try them but just wanted to return the favour and wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!!
I am going to use them
Skins for Christmas
OK thought i'd start this little thread as i just made a Christmas Skin for the UF1000 ( a whole 5min job) and was wondering if others have made them too, if so post your Christmas skins Feel free to use and do what ever ya like if ya like or even care. Merry Xmas y'all! :drink:
Attached images
Xmas UF1000.jpg
and another , this one for the XFR
Attached images
yay niko your my hero <3 lol needed them
Preview and file size?
Thought it was rescent because it was last post was today :X

Don't worry mate.

Attached images
PrtScn or ctrl + s
Quote from LFSn00b :You try to steal my thread, i'll slap you

Shh n00b, it saves opening another christmas skins thread. They might aswell all go in one, even if this one was created a year ago.
i'll steal anything i want im a bloody pirate mate. But seriously no someone shifted my thread to here, Got me confused as i couldnt find my thread then wanded in here and walaa. Merry Xmas too! :wmann3:
Thanks !
Sorry but i dont have any skins.........because i am a demo racer.
Merry Christmas to all :D
Looking nice
i cant get time to it more in thes year to many partys :P
LFSnoob.. Miten noi skinit saa käyttöön. kun latasin niitä ja tallensin sinne pelin skins kansioon. Mutta niitä ei tullu sinne peliin ?
#17 - TG44
Quote from Kekkana :LFSnoob.. Miten noi skinit saa käyttöön. kun latasin niitä ja tallensin sinne pelin skins kansioon. Mutta niitä ei tullu sinne peliin ?

ja viimesen viestin päivämäärä on noin kauheen vaikee lukee?
why'd you bump Kekkana?
Why not? It's a nice themed thread, one maybe worth bumping.
Fair point. I say we bumpify it's knickers off when Winter comes around.
#22 - Gunn

Merry Christmas!
(22 posts, started )