Carbon MotorSport is gonna be new and fresh in 2007. We are launching the team at Januari 1. We are seeking for new and clean drivers who can join the team! Carbon MotorSport is gonna be an S2 team in 2007 with a little demo part, but the main focus is on S2. We will join cups and eventually even host our own cup.
Also we are gonna have a server and TeamSpeak very soon (probally in the first or second week of Januari) so we can communicate during the race and try to figure out an tactic to win the race.
Vilante is making us some new and very nice skins we wanna thank him for his hard work! As soon as they are finished we will show them here.
So if you wanna join Carbon MotorSport go to www.Carbon-MotorSport.nl.tt
My regards,