The online racing simulator
sometimes you just have to laugh
(26 posts, closed, started )
sometimes you just have to laugh
this is like one of those "i got banned" threads, except i didn't actually get banned, and i'm not upset, i just think it's funny.

joined a server hosted by a team (who shall remain unnamed to save them the embarrassment). several team members were on, and a few randoms like me.

car selection was not restricted, so i picked my favorite car, the fxr, and did a couple of laps before being tele-pitted by an admin. the team were driving the xfr and didn't want unfair competition. their server, their rules, i'm ok with that, so i switched cars. i'd never driven the xfr before, but i still clobbered them, then took a break for a few mins.

when i returned, they had switched to the xrr, so i switched back to the fxr, thinking that any gtr class car would be acceptable. a couple laps into the race i was well in the lead, and *poof* tele-pitted again. arguement ensued about whether or not the fxr was faster than the xrr and i nearly got myself banned, but eventually decided to try the xrr (which i'd also never driven before), and surprise, surprise, i still clobbered the field. i didn't really expect an apology, so i wasn't surprised when i didn't get one, but it would have been nice. after all, i gave them what they wanted in the end, an ass kicking with an unfamiliar car.

(and btw, i'm not fast. i was lapping about 6 seconds off WR pace.)

i just have to laugh that a bunch of guys would go to the trouble of making a team when they still have so much to learn about the game. don't get me wrong, i appreciate the effort of anyone who puts a server up, but come on.... kicking people out of the race just because they drive faster than you, how childish is that?
hahahhahahahaha its so funny when that happens you really just have to laugh, its happened to me before
*heads over to lfsw and checks last race information.
haha, i expected that some people might do that, but i couldn't let them get away with no embarrassment at all, could i?
#7 - Krane
Quote from felplacerad :*heads over to lfsw and checks last race information.

:ices_rofl @ team name. How appropriate
ahahahahhhaa the team name LOL! i can't say i've heard of it but thats hilarious
(Slopi) DELETED by Slopi : Server admin appologized and has shown himself to be responsible
they tried beatnu but failed could this get more ironic
#11 - joen
beatnu got pwndbiu
#12 - Nard
roffle mao zedung.
heh, well i'm sure they will get better over the next few months. but in the meantime i expect their balls might get a bit sore.
Ok I have just found out about this, and I am asking admins wether this is true or not. I cannot be on the servers all the time so I appointed several admins and believe me if i find out the culprit I WILL remove their admin rights.

I do not wan't this kind of reputation for my team, we have 4 servers running and it is not humanly possible for me to monitor them all. You cannot pick out a whole team for one admins decision. We have 6 admins on the servers not all of them will act/do as I do, I clearly explained to them how to act in a server if what you are saying is true then they have breached my trust and I will not tollerate it. I have put so much effort into this team and I won't see it all become one big joke.

Thank you for reporting this I am currently looking into it.

EDIT I have just been told by 2 of my admins that were in at the time that you was wrecking and spamming after being told several times. I can't tell wether this is true or not as I have no logs but somebody isnt telling the whole story. I wan't to know what happened but obviousley if anyone was lying they wont tell the truth but I would kindly thank the rest of you not to start flaming us until you know the full story, one member isn't the whole team. Those of you that run hosts will know how hard it is to keep order, I am a laid back admin only ever kicking one person but others are different and how can I possibly monitor 4 servers at once?

Thank you.
#15 - Davo
wow look at all the drama
omgizzle his team repszorz is failed
Ha I knew the little kids would come to flame... illepall Very mature.
#18 - Davo
It's obvious this guy is an attention seeking drama whore and I wouldn;t be surprised if he was messing around on your server. He has already confessed to not having a problem with ramming people with a blue flag off the track.
Yeah, sorry for my replies but the last thing I want is for all my hard work to become a joke. I have analysed the replays of the events in question and I do not see that evilgeek is in the wrong whatsoever!

So all I can do is say sorry evilgeek for your experiences in our server. You have an apology from me as one of the owners and I will do my very best that events like this will not happen again.

So I will personally take full responsibility for what happened and hope that you will accept an apology from all of us at beatnu. It saddens me to see things happen like this. If only I had 4 pc's lol and no need for sleep
Quote from ShibbyMan666 :Yeah, sorry for my replies but the last thing I want is for all my hard work to become a joke. I have analysed the replays of the events in question and I do not see that evilgeek is in the wrong whatsoever!

So all I can do is say sorry evilgeek for your experiences in our server. You have an apology from me as one of the owners and I will do my very best that events like this will not happen again.

So I will personally take full responsibility for what happened and hope that you will accept an apology from all of us at beatnu. It saddens me to see things happen like this. If only I had 4 pc's lol and no need for sleep

Very well put, and a mature answer...I congratulate you, and wish your team good luck for the future.
Please assist me if I've done something wrong...

I looked at LFSW, and evilgeek did a few races on a server today, which pretty much matches up with his story about the cars he used. It seems to me that he won three races, 2 when he was the only finisher, and 1 when there was 3 finishers.

Can anyone explain to me how, exactly, that is blowing them away, if there isn't much competition? In all the races where there was more than 3 finishers he didn't exactly hog the podium. I appreciate that LFSW can miss drivers, and some might pit or spectate, but what are the odds that in the only races he was 'blowing them away' everyone else pitted or spectated or left?

Strikes me the server owners have nothing to worry about. Just someone trying to cause a little trouble. Don't give him the enjoyment of reacting. Just beat him more often - it doesn't look that hard to do!
Hell I thought I was looking in the wrong place when I saw his results, nice of theleader of the team to be mature about it an apologise.

BTW, i've raced you a few times EvilGeek and I clobbered you to.
Quote from Bawbag :.... i've raced you a few times EvilGeek and I clobbered you to.

But you do manage to clobber about 95% (at least!) of LFS'rs

Bawbag - who DON'T you clobber :rolleyes:

edit: pwned
Your story reminds me of a recent one of mine. I was qualifying in LX6 at Westhill with maybe 10 others, all from the server's team. I came first in quali, and then promptly got kicked
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sometimes you just have to laugh
(26 posts, closed, started )