The online racing simulator
Calibration Not Working? (Patch V)
(6 posts, started )
Calibration Not Working? (Patch V)
Ever since i re-installed Patch V ive had issues with my DFP.

the wheel plugs in fine etc, LFS Recognises it.

but, when it goes to calibrate it in LFS, all goes wrong.

i click "Re-Calibrate", and the wheel is now center, but when i click Calibration Lock, the wheel (Ingame Doesnt move, nor does the BRake/ Gas pedals work.

I go into the axis selection bar things, and non of the movements effect the bars.

its only when i turn off the Cal-Lock, i have to re-assigned my axis (gas brake etc). then its just the same story over.

Im looking for Patch U to test this on, if anyone has a full install?
are you calibrating it before you hit calibration lock or no...?
I Hit calibration, then calibration lock.
i dont think your doing it right, hit recalibrate, move the steering wheel left and right fully, then click calibration lock, then exit out of hte menus, and see if you can turn left and right, if you can, problem solved (but then you need to turn off calibration lock and then move your pedals to their full extent then turn calibration lock on and then your good to go)
you know, i feel sooo stupid :/.

i figured you would owell lol atleast you got it working, im sure its happened to several people

Calibration Not Working? (Patch V)
(6 posts, started )