Let them have a look around here on the forum. Show them the important race related stuff. Don't mention off-topic at all. Let them know that this is a community of a multitude of different maturity levels. Let them know there are kids, adults, adults who act like kids. Let them know that not once has there been any inappropriate material here as far as "child molestation" here. Tell them how this is an official game forum which is the extention of a buisness and monkey business like that wouldn't be tollerated. This is an open forum, but it is still the extention of a legitimate business.
Let them know that if anything inappropriate comes up, the majority of the community jumps on it to have it removed or bannished. Show them the thread about swearing on the servers and it will show how the majority feel about the auto-kick for swearing (ie, the majority support it). Show them how immature those who argued to support swearing and how ridiculous their comments were compared to the intelligent comments from those who supported keeping swearing off the servers.
Show them the "Are you a sim racing dad" thread and let them see how many here are just like them with children of their own.
As a parent myself, I can think of many many things I'd rather not have my children doing rather than hanging out on a sim racing forum and playing a racing sim.
Above all, they are your parents. If they don't want you on the LFS forums, then that is their wishes. I was your age once as well. I know it is tough when rules come down on yourself from what a sibling has done.
Let them know that if anything inappropriate comes up, the majority of the community jumps on it to have it removed or bannished. Show them the thread about swearing on the servers and it will show how the majority feel about the auto-kick for swearing (ie, the majority support it). Show them how immature those who argued to support swearing and how ridiculous their comments were compared to the intelligent comments from those who supported keeping swearing off the servers.
Show them the "Are you a sim racing dad" thread and let them see how many here are just like them with children of their own.
As a parent myself, I can think of many many things I'd rather not have my children doing rather than hanging out on a sim racing forum and playing a racing sim.
Above all, they are your parents. If they don't want you on the LFS forums, then that is their wishes. I was your age once as well. I know it is tough when rules come down on yourself from what a sibling has done.