STCC Licence Userbar
(242 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Dajmin :According to the STCC website it's not done yet.

But according to the forum broadcast 5 is "On Schedule". And at the end of the last broadcast it said that it will come out at the end of january.
#52 - SamH
Quote from z3r0c00l :next broadcast being 3rd quater of february?

Jan 27th, I think!

You're absolutely correct, the STCC league events are taking a break over Christmas/New Year (though not the STCC as a whole, obviously ) but the Aston Cadet event broadcast will be released at the end of this month.

@Tweak.. if I understand you better now, I think perhaps you're talking about online racing more as a whole, rather than perhaps specifically the STCC.. but using the STCC as an example. It's a fair point, taken more broadly.. you can't guarantee the standard of racing around you, and you can only really be RESPONSIBLE for your own. Whether you win a race is as much to do with how everyone around you races, as how you yourself race. On the specific topic of the STCC, we've made an effort to achieve something which I think, in the global scheme of things - with all possible variables considered - we've successfully achieved. Individual opinions may vary (and invariably do)

@Linsen: The falling tree is a really good analogy! VERY much so!!
Quote from Tweaker :And Android, the only reason I bring this up is because this is a way to flash your license in forums when in fact the status of your license doesn't prove anything other than a title.

so ? people carry around ther level whatever is highest in the mmo they play status around which doesnt prove anything other than that they dont have a life
i really dont see why it bothers you so much ... becky and sam offer a system that appeals to a lot of lfs drivers and have now added a way to show your status which appeals to some of those as well if it doesnt to you so what

Quote :but now there is like an overflow of Platinum drivers, it's too hard to tell... and too hard to have someone to race with who's skill is at your level all over again.

i friguresd from beckys posts her main objective was to get clean but not necessarly fast drivers onto the stcc servers for current league racers to practice with
the stcc has a rather wide range of driver speed at the moment and slower drivers should have opponents to practice with as well

Quote :I still think the variety of promo things is great, but the favorite of pretty much everyone is the actual STCC series, which is out of focus now kinda (is it over? new one starting?). No more broadcasts, and no more racing from the series to be a fan of.

its still on holiday break afaik
Sorry on the Mercury thing, I was taken aback when NorwegianViper said i'd dragged their name into it, I realise now that I did without thinking, that whole thing has got me quite negative now when I see rumbles tbh - so moving swiftly on:

Quote :you can play for hours and accumulate points to go up in the ranks. Linear in a way, and not filtered as I thought it would be

You can't really, the way license points are applied stacks points on the good guys and ignores the chasing pack - that's the point of it. Sure a middle ranking driver could eventually get through, and that's probably right. What it does is it creates a steady but slow stream of drivers with access to the server, and hopefully creates enough curiosity before getting that far for them hopefully to have at least read the server rules (in most cases).

By introducing drivers to the sub-community at a slower rate it allows for more moderation of drivers who are new to the server, and license status can be taken away, impeded, and we can just make notes for future reference that we've warned a driver and the backend keeps it all ticking over nicely. Whereas a public server has 20,000 players and no means of keeping track of them, the system we have allows us to scale punishment for poor behaviour, combined with the 'training' programme as it where, hopefully, standards are overall better on the silver and upward licensed servers - but ultimately they are still public servers.

In terms of adminning, and this relates to the discussion at hand, having just been on the server and accused (by a person with multiple entries in both the wrecker barricade and his STCC license admittedly) of being 'a wierdo who bans people for no reason', I would just like to say that I very rarely get involved in admin duties these days. A number (not any specific incident) of issues toward the end of last year and forum flame wars have put me off server administration - but I do have a team of very competent and dedicated admins who give their time to the servers. I do get involved on ocassion, but usually when noone else is around, and I am being told I am 'too soft these days', except by those I ban who think they have a scoop, "Becky is evil!"...

Well somewhere there is usually a middle ground but I think my position as somebody who is prominent in the community forbids me from ever finding it - I will always be criticised for what I do in sim racing now, until the point where the critics finally chase me out of sim racing. I tried to avoid it by stopping some projects, but i've ridden a roller coaster of projects that have put me in a position where I take knocks on these forums quite frequently, and tbh - there's naff all I can do to stop it except install rFactor or something. I only hope to please most of the people most of the time, and appologise profously to those who feel i've stepped on them in some way in the full knowledge that any appology I make will be thrown back at me (see below ).

To be more specific now about the key point Tweaker makes, whether the licensed racing project works in the long term and gives drivers something that actually means something in a larger sense depends on whether race licensing is accepted in the wider community and grows beyond the STCC, and what form that might take - this is part of a much bigger debate, to roll out the license system to other servers involves ethical questions (seriously) because it changes the dynamics of how LFS is played online, it has quite serious ramifications that they devs might want input in. For now though the system remains local to our servers - but in some form in the next few months this will change.
#55 - SamH
Just to follow up on what Becky said about STCC administration, 80% or more of the admin calls are overseen by me these days, with the help of a panel of people that are trusted to make good calls. So if you have a moan about an admin decision (or even lack of admin decision), seek me out, rather than Becky - chances are that I did it (or didn't do it)
This officially makes SamH the most powerful person on the planet, not only is he a forum moderator, STCC second in command, STCC Admin, and Wrecker Barricade Admin...

Potentially the next person to answer back to Minor Deity SamH could recieve a ban from the STCC server forums, this forum, and the barricade would ban him from enough LFS servers to give him a one month ban from LFS online entirely...

rumour has it he was behind the invasion of Iraq too...
#58 - Gunn
Quote from z3r0c00l :

Potentially the next person to answer back to Minor Deity SamH could recieve a ban from the STCC server forums, this forum, and the barricade would ban him from enough LFS servers to give him a one month ban from LFS online entirely...


Not really. If anything he errs on the conservative side when it comes to his various roles. It's the only way to operate really.
#59 - Jakg
Quote from z3r0c00l :Potentially the next person to answer back to Minor Deity SamH could recieve a ban from the STCC server forums, this forum, and the barricade would ban him from enough LFS servers to give him a one month ban from LFS online entirely...

Nope, the bans have to be done when the player is on the server for it to be counted for that
Some say, the areola around his left nipple is in the shape of the nuremburg ring, and that he can ALMOST complete a lap of FE Black with the Raceabout...

All we know is he's called; The Stig!
I guess I could take this opportunity to say thanks for the whole UKCT/STCC crew for bringing back interest let alone packed servers to race in the 2 classes which since S2 was released have been quite neglected.

For me personally the races in perhaps 90% of the time have been very clean, which is quite a bit more compared to the average public servers these days. Wrecker barricade definately has cut down the amount of idiots.

I've enjoyed my time so far and hope to do so in the future. Perhaps we'll see some other servers having similar license system in other classes as well.
LX4 to LX6, XFR, UFR to FXR, XRR, FZR etc. Mixed classes would be nice to see, but don't know how that would be taken into account in the points calculations..

So a very warm thank you from me.
#62 - Gunn
Here comes the sun, do dun do do..... :sun:
very nice sam
I think the biggest achievement for STCC (=~ Becky) is the fact that there are people racing the TBO/GTi class cars. How many servers were there running TBOs with more than few people before those STCC servers? 0, zero. Of course there were some random moments of interests with a full server once in a week or so but mainly the STCC classes were quite unused. STCC has brought them to the spotlight again, making them an interesting class to drive and race on, on a server with purposely built software to reward succes with better cars and theoretically better races. Imho, on average the racing on STCC servers is much better than on any other server. Most people are competitive and even the slow, new ones try to behave. If they misbehave they get booted .

How STCC servers are run is really none of my business. If good decisions are made I'll keep racing there, if bad decisions are made, I'll race less. I like the honesty, how the STCC server software system was introduced. It was and is not about rewarding people and making RPG alike system with "earning points gets you stuff". It is all about filtering the fastest drivers and provide driver material for STCC. I know that I am not part of that group but it doesn't matter because from the first race on I knew (and thus accepted) that not all people are meant to get the highest lisences.

All in all, STCC has brought the TBOs back. Too bad the class is very badly balanced atm, meaning that there is only one good choise. An excellent driver in XRT/RB4 is no match to good driver in FXO.

And :

Just wondering, do the 'dirty cop-outs' get a special userbar ?
#66 - Gunn
Quote from Bean0 :Just wondering, do the 'dirty cop-outs' get a special userbar ?

+1 for "STCC unlicensed racer" bar.
#67 - SamH
Quote from Bean0 :Just wondering, do the 'dirty cop-outs' get a special userbar ?

Been out.. just got back in.. gimme a min


Okay.. which looks better?

They look the same?

I broke it;
Quote from SamH :Been out.. just got back in.. gimme a min


Okay.. which looks better?


Mmmm , maybe there should be a 'worse driver' status, although that would probably promote bad driving if they knew how to make points.

I just wanted to say nice job guys. I've had some of the best racing in a long time on STCC licensed servers and really liked the
license system. The only issue i have is one i understand more clearly now, it is made to weed out unexceptional drivers. Not that
there's anything wrong with that, but the beginner servers seemed more fun. I'm more of a mid-pack racer, i'll never be the best,
but occasionally, i have my moments of glory. Now that i have access to the other server, i find myself running alone out back,
just wondering how the heck i can make up these 5-10 seconds per lap. I don't race as much there, i get bored and go back to the
beginner servers after a while, so i imagine practice would help. Still, i'm not a racing machine.

What about widening the range to include more cars and weeding out the better drivers further up the chain ? I would imagine
this was more of a market test and seeing the response, there are future plans for more elaborate ranking systems.
#70 - SamH
I was just waiting for when you turned your back
#73 - Jakg
i would like it be a "Special Points Situation" and an "STCC League Driver" thingy for people like me
#74 - SamH
Try yours, Jak

[edit] I think he's seen it.. I just heard him swear in Teamspeak
#75 - Jakg

Sam, i hate you
This thread is closed

STCC Licence Userbar
(242 posts, closed, started )