OK heres my testing machine spec.
Shuttle SN45 - Nvidia 2 Chipset running a AMD Athlon XP2800 - Unclocked.
2GB of Kingmax PC3200
80GB MAtroIDE133 HD
ATI Radieon 9600 Pro 128 - Unclocked.
Logitec MomoForce wheel (the old one - best one IMO
LFS S2 Patch V
Anyway I am a MSDN developer and do have a test copy of Windows Vista.
I did a fresh install of XP service pack 2 and only installed the official ATI drivers for the card - and used the default card settings.
Running at 1024x768 The game runs lovely! Using the XG Turbo around blackwood and just me on the track I get a peak of 110FPS and on the pit straight around 70FPS. Solid.
Curiosity got the better of me so I flattened the said machine and installed Vista - Only installing the ATI Vista (Beta) Drivers...
Now I dont know if its a ATI driver problem or a Vista Issue, but using default graphic settings I'm only getting around 30 - 40FPS at most around the whole track!
With a full race at blackwood I get a pisspoor rate of 20FPS or thre abouts throught the whole race!
Not the most technical of experiments but theres one hell of a noticable difference! Maybe its vista.. maybe its the ATI beta drivers... who knows.
Either way I'm putting XP back on the machine tonight!
Shuttle SN45 - Nvidia 2 Chipset running a AMD Athlon XP2800 - Unclocked.
2GB of Kingmax PC3200
80GB MAtroIDE133 HD
ATI Radieon 9600 Pro 128 - Unclocked.
Logitec MomoForce wheel (the old one - best one IMO

LFS S2 Patch V
Anyway I am a MSDN developer and do have a test copy of Windows Vista.
I did a fresh install of XP service pack 2 and only installed the official ATI drivers for the card - and used the default card settings.
Running at 1024x768 The game runs lovely! Using the XG Turbo around blackwood and just me on the track I get a peak of 110FPS and on the pit straight around 70FPS. Solid.
Curiosity got the better of me so I flattened the said machine and installed Vista - Only installing the ATI Vista (Beta) Drivers...
Now I dont know if its a ATI driver problem or a Vista Issue, but using default graphic settings I'm only getting around 30 - 40FPS at most around the whole track!
With a full race at blackwood I get a pisspoor rate of 20FPS or thre abouts throught the whole race!
Not the most technical of experiments but theres one hell of a noticable difference! Maybe its vista.. maybe its the ATI beta drivers... who knows.
Either way I'm putting XP back on the machine tonight!