The online racing simulator
LFS Online Kaput ? (master server on tea break?) [false alarm]
Me box monkey, all week , respite for angry slave comes , no joy available, is world doomed ?
yes i noticed the server browser being offline @ lfs world if that's what you mean.
aha so ingame it works (and it does ) thx, i always use LFSworld for checking racing. so world isnt entirely doomed just yet

(best use of that smiliey ever. aye?)
Quote from felplacerad :

(best use of that smiliey ever. aye?)

WHAT ? That piece of pie is the last pie piece on earth ?
Oh, it's just a joke!.

Djee, that was close!

close ?

will have to hand it to you, you are much deeper in thought than our friend Dan. Er, I mean me.



edit 2:

ahem... Uh the server is still down.... Is it gonna get fixed this week?
Or is it just going to get half-assed again like everthing else? Oh what's the use in even posting here. You don't care...........

OK seriously, just what causes the master server to go down besides it being shutdown for maintenance and upgrading? Weather? Would too many people
going to one really cause it to overheat? Is there really that signifigant of a risk from attacks?
I dunno, the server never really konks out all that much and it's always been fixed fast enough to not really notice, but I am a little curious about what you
have to look out for when operating something like a master server.

Masteris working perfect for me it's just lfs world and site that is down for me
#9 - Davo
Same, LFSW is working, only the server list doesn't work.
Yeah, seems to be back online again, but it hasn't managed to log any of the miles i did earlier, just as well i didn't managed to do any PB's
Quote from Racer Y :ahem... Uh the server is still down.... Is it gonna get fixed this week?
Or is it just going to get half-assed again like everthing else? Oh what's the use in even posting here. You don't care...........

OK seriously, just what causes the master server to go down besides it being shutdown for maintenance and upgrading? Weather? Would too many people
going to one really cause it to overheat? Is there really that signifigant of a risk from attacks?
I dunno, the server never really konks out all that much and it's always been fixed fast enough to not really notice, but I am a little curious about what you
have to look out for when operating something like a master server.

do you need help or are you just grumpy? What a load of bollocks there ... phew
a bug reared up its head in a program on our server because of a situation that rarely happens and because i tried to fix it some weeks ago. But since it's a rare case it's really hard to test bugfixes in those rare cases and when i nor scawen nor any of us are around to fix the problem when it occurs, it took a bit before that was done.

Sorry bout that all - at least you could still race online and just not visit a website.

Victor, is there any particular way you'd like us to alert you guys when things like this happen, or is a forum post the best way to go about? Maybe you recieve an alert automatically (a sms from lfs world perhaps? (hows your account balance?) ).

(BTW, thanks for the unlock. Much appretiated )
Quote from felplacerad :Yup,

Victor, is there any particular way you'd like us to alert you guys or is a forum post the best way to go about? Maybe you get an alert automatically (a sms from lfs world perhaps? ).

I remember Victor saying that if you post in the website bugs forum he will always get an email notification.
yeah but when i'm not around i won't be reading that until i'm back. Some people have my phone number - they could call I guess. Don't see any other way.
I was about to suggest some kind of subscribed thread, but there we go.

Edit: I don't think it's really urgent enough that we should ring you and drag you back to your PC.
Yes, I spotted the problem earlier on. I checked and as LFS online was working fine, including forum, and the master server was still sending stats, I felt this was not important enough to bother Victor with a phone call, perhaps he might be sleeping in and a few missing stats at an off-peak time on a Sunday morning didn't seem that bad a problem. I just sent him a mail.
Quote from Victor :do you need help or are you just grumpy? What a load of bollocks there ... phew

ROFL Yeah, I need help & I hope I never get it. Bollocks is probably right... I should've put in parenthesis( runs off crying and slams a door) after typing the first part. It would've had a better effect I guess.
I was just being silly dude

But still just what are causes of servers going down? I know severe weather can knock out power lines and all, but I was talking to someone a while back
and they told me overheating was a problem that servers could have. Is this true?
Quote from Racer Y :But still just what are causes of servers going down?


Quote from Victor :a bug reared up its head in a program on our server because of a situation that rarely happens and because i tried to fix it some weeks ago. But since it's a rare case it's really hard to test bugfixes in those rare cases and when i nor scawen nor any of us are around to fix the problem when it occurs, it took a bit before that was done.

Quote from Racer Y :ROFL Yeah, I need help & I hope I never get it. Bollocks is probably right... I should've put in parenthesis( runs off crying and slams a door) after typing the first part. It would've had a better effect I guess.
I was just being silly dude

But still just what are causes of servers going down? I know severe weather can knock out power lines and all, but I was talking to someone a while back
and they told me overheating was a problem that servers could have. Is this true?

Read the last post by Victor it explains pretty much what happened, or didnt you care to read?

P.S : Victor is a noob but he'll always fix it
Quote from Racer Y :I was talking to someone a while back
and they told me overheating was a problem that servers could have. Is this true?

Well.. any electronic device can overheat. If you're purely talking about a server in a datacentre, and the rack is too tightly packed, you can get heat issues which cause problems on the physical boards. Also imagine if the climate control failed in a data centre. Hundreds / Thousands of computers all running in a closed environment (full height rack is 19" 42U, which equates to a maximum of 42 servers - although typically this is much lower - with racks all in rows next to each other). So yes, servers can overheat. Usually its the technicians though

I have the feeling you're trying to compare apples and pears. From my point of view, the LFS network has been reasonably stable, with the odd hiccup. However, these hiccups were caused by problems outside of the LFS teams control (i.e. not their equipment). So untangle your panties, pull out that wedgie that you think everyone finds so cute, and quit moaning.
w00t double time!
i guess, having no LFS (online) and no sleep (racing) is part of being part of the whole experience (simulator)

Thx for fixing the stuff
Quote from the_angry_angel :Well.. any electronic device can overheat. If you're purely talking about a server in a datacentre, and the rack is too tightly packed, you can get heat issues which cause problems on the physical boards. Also imagine if the climate control failed in a data centre. Hundreds / Thousands of computers all running in a closed environment (full height rack is 19" 42U, which equates to a maximum of 42 servers - although typically this is much lower - with racks all in rows next to each other). So yes, servers can overheat. Usually its the technicians though

I have the feeling you're trying to compare apples and pears. From my point of view, the LFS network has been reasonably stable, with the odd hiccup. However, these hiccups were caused by problems outside of the LFS teams control (i.e. not their equipment). So untangle your panties, pull out that wedgie that you think everyone finds so cute, and quit moaning.

I remember the IT-department of the company I work at running with fans to the server room - turns out the a/c was broken