got some things to add here:
1. everybody knows blackwood from the demo so its perfect to start with and get used to all the others cars so these stats makes sense (at least i did so and i think, many or maybe most of the people do/ did the same but theres no statistic to proof this

2. it needed 2 servers in the past for quite a long time from RR to catch up which brings me to...
3. in general, there are and has been much more blackwood server then oval servers
4. Who else, except FM is running the oval in a professional way for such a long time now?
5. most people realized that the oval isnt that easy and it needs much more time (then they think) to get good laptimes (not only alone but also and much more important in a group/ field of vehicles) which is, in my opinion the main reason people dont race there that often compared to other tracks or in this particular case, blackwood
About the oval in general id like to split the users in three groups:
Group 1: People without passion & knowledge
Those people mostly think the oval is just a simple track with three corners/ turns you name it, they try everything to be the fastest and get mad when they realize that its not that easy. -> hate & frustration followed by a disconnect after a few laps/ races or less is the consequence (some people give it up just too quickly)
Group 2: People without passion but knowledge
At least, they try to learn the track, they improve more or less and possibly cultivate some passion for it (yes it is a track believe it or not

) which mainly depends on the rest of the field and their skill levels
(With "knowledge" is meaned either general experiences and/ or for this specific track)
Group 3: experienced people with passion
"Oval Junkies" (for example (not only FM members))

Depends on which group you belong (1 or 2) they can bring you quickly at a level where racing the oval can be a great experience. Having in your mind that those people are very rarely these days it can be very hard to reach a level of high quality racing at all time. Its an exponential progress, the more people with experiences are online, the more people could learn how to behave on this track. This is one of many unique attributes this track offers/ demands. Sadly but true, most people tend to race on their own, trying to get rid of everybody else asap (which is surely the goal but not at all time &/ or asap) which is the main reason of the bad quality at non FM servers (not in general but mostly imho) or even at our servers without FM member or other experienced drivers online. Funny thing is, people join to race together but the reality is what i have described above. Fact is, oval is about teamplay which doesnt exclude battles for positions but to understand this it needs more then a couple of laps/ races.
This means not to offend anybody rather then that it should expand the understanding of "how to race the oval".
Surprisingly there are people from group one that switches to group two but this is the exceptional case. I dont like to generalize things at all but in general and what i have experienced this group model is reality.
One last thing, im open for
any constructive criticism but if this is just another senseless anti oval thread this is my one and only comment.
Cheers and btw, i like blackwood as well