Is there any way to get "STCC 1a New & Bronze" server's IP address? since I would like to join the server but my LFS can never find it when indexing servers
you can't. thats a security function to prevent cracking, and its good like it is. could it be that you or the STCC bronze server still have version U or a U-Testpatch lower than U30 running? this would explain it, because the master server's IP changed and Clients lower than U30 can't handle this.
Knowing the IP address of the server won't help you - to join a server it has to be done through the master server using the name of the server - you cannot join a server directly. Try using Browse For Speed (link in my sig - the version it sends should get all servers running a current compatible patch). Browse For Speed does get servers' IP addresses, but that's so it can show ping values.
This is incorrect. See the Browse For Speed source to see how it's done. I also don't believe that servers' IP addresses are hidden for security reasons - my guess is that they're hidden because users shouldn't _need_ to know about IP addresses, it just adds complexity. Security through obscurity doesn't work (BFS source code proves this), and your cracking comment is simply incorrect.
Just as an aside, it is possible to discover the IP address of a server, however as stated there is no relevance to actually getting it.
When your copy of LFS gets the masterserver list, it also gets the IP address of the server, so that it can talk to it. If you cannot establish a connection, then you will not see it within LFS' list.