Multiple Instances VCOM Help
(2 posts, started )
Multiple Instances VCOM Help
Hello i am having a bit of trouble, i am currently hosting two LFS Servers on my computer, they are both running fine, one is a demo, and one is an S2. On the S2, i managed to get VCOM working properly. I fiddled around with Setup.dat of the other VCOM,(changed ports etc) but when i run another instance of vcom, i simply closes. Please help me Ty in advance. Please dont flame if this subject has already been discussed.
You can run multiple instances of vcom. There are few things to note...

1) You need multiple copies of vcom (copy the same stuff into another directory). This is currently a must as you cannot give another setup file (another instance of the exact same exe would run the same setup file). I fix this to next version. Vcom installation is quite small so it should be a very big problem.
2) As you run the servers in the same computer (?) you need different insim ports for the servers and also for the vcoms. Disable the car radio (e.g. give mode=65471; in the setup file(s) ) as you don't need it in server (otherwise you can get this kind of error...

ERROR: Cannot open server for WARC_UDP connection
ERROR: Code 61 - The specified address is already in use.

...because the the car radio(s) are trying to use the same port

EDIT: I actually fixed it already that you can have as many instances as you like (without copying the program) as long as you have different setups for them. I just would like to add some more stuff before releasing it.

Multiple Instances VCOM Help
(2 posts, started )