The online racing simulator
Rfactor vs LFS
(1872 posts, started )
I never really tried to ''drift'' in rFactor but here is a short and somehwat shakey (I have to learn how to do it with a bit more confidence for one..) But somewhat contrary to how it looks, its quite progressive and easy..
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Its clear that this being in a Live for Speed forum that the argument here is a bit lopsided, I am going to bring up some things that I did not see mentioned. First off, whoever thinks of rFactor as arcade like simply has not given it time, the game like every racing sim has a learning curve, it takes a while before any new sim feels authentic and real to you personally. After having played GTR2, GT Legends and rFactor for a while, I game LFS a try and thought it was terrible. I have come back to it again and again to eventually developed a taste for its physics and style. Lets be honest here, the sound and graphics of Live for Speed lose out to just about every modern racing sim on the market. I dont consider the graphics to be really a negative thing at all due to the smoothness of play that LFS has, but the sound leaves much to be desired. The tracks in LFS are somewhat limited, but all well done. An advantage to ISI's rFactor is that you can download almost any track or vehicle in the world within a few minutes and race it, even small, local tracks have been made. Some of these graphicly surpass LFS, some are terrible graphicly, dont perform well and contain numerous flaws and bugs. But the biggest difference for me is the physics between these two. The fact of the matter is they both have extremely well developed and tweaked physics models. I think LFS has rFactor beat with sports cars as of now, but I will protest against the LFS fanboys and say that none of the single seaters in LFS feel as real to me as they do in rFactor, F1 being the biggest in my mind. With all aids off I can pretty easily navigate an unfamiliar track layout in LFS, in rFactor, it takes a good 15-20 laps before I can consistantly make a full lap with no spins or wrecks. It feels faster, sounds louder, and with headshake at high speeds simply immerses me more into the car. But truthfully, there probably is not a single person in this forum who has driven any modern F1 car, or has any clue as to what it would really be like to drive one, so its simply a matter of personal taste. My decision a long time ago was simply to try them all, if I want good, quick and balanced online racing I choose LFS, if i want to race single seaters, its rFactor, and touring cars there is Race07, GTL and GTR2. They all have there place in my lineup, so why do any of you care what others think is the best? try out some demos and find out for yourself what you enjoy the most.
Quote from NateDawg80126 :Its clear that this being in a Live for Speed forum that the argument here is a bit lopsided, I am going to bring up some things that I did not see mentioned. First off, whoever thinks of rFactor as arcade like simply has not given it time, the game like every racing sim has a learning curve, it takes a while before any new sim feels authentic and real to you personally. After having played GTR2, GT Legends and rFactor for a while, I game LFS a try and thought it was terrible. I have come back to it again and again to eventually developed a taste for its physics and style. Lets be honest here, the sound and graphics of Live for Speed lose out to just about every modern racing sim on the market. I dont consider the graphics to be really a negative thing at all due to the smoothness of play that LFS has, but the sound leaves much to be desired. The tracks in LFS are somewhat limited, but all well done. An advantage to ISI's rFactor is that you can download almost any track or vehicle in the world within a few minutes and race it, even small, local tracks have been made. Some of these graphicly surpass LFS, some are terrible graphicly, dont perform well and contain numerous flaws and bugs. But the biggest difference for me is the physics between these two. The fact of the matter is they both have extremely well developed and tweaked physics models. I think LFS has rFactor beat with sports cars as of now, but I will protest against the LFS fanboys and say that none of the single seaters in LFS feel as real to me as they do in rFactor, F1 being the biggest in my mind. With all aids off I can pretty easily navigate an unfamiliar track layout in LFS, in rFactor, it takes a good 15-20 laps before I can consistantly make a full lap with no spins or wrecks. It feels faster, sounds louder, and with headshake at high speeds simply immerses me more into the car. But truthfully, there probably is not a single person in this forum who has driven any modern F1 car, or has any clue as to what it would really be like to drive one, so its simply a matter of personal taste. My decision a long time ago was simply to try them all, if I want good, quick and balanced online racing I choose LFS, if i want to race single seaters, its rFactor, and touring cars there is Race07, GTL and GTR2. They all have there place in my lineup, so why do any of you care what others think is the best? try out some demos and find out for yourself what you enjoy the most.

Did you really have to bump an 8 month old thread?
nice post there! really thought of and not taken any side in favour
i tried rfactor 3-4 times and was willing to like it, but....
and yes, sound is better in some way and bunch of tracks and cars is definitely huge great bonus.
dunno about online racing rfactor but already in lfs with few tracks and cars, there can be problem to race someone in quite a few tracks or cars (not to mention certain combo....)
Rfactors all well and good, but I swear I spend 90% of my time in the dam menus tweaking the FFB... not much fun.
Quote from Luke.S :Did you really have to bump an 8 month old thread?

8 months and two days
Quote from Luke.S :Did you really have to bump an 8 month old thread?

If you look closely ! You`ll notice that it his first post. For him this ain`t old news, but new !

If it is "bad taste" answering old posts, then admins should close all the old posts.

So I wonder why YOU had to answer, as you did !?
It's an interusting post and huge bump.

For the F1, in rFactor, is there traction control or not in the mod you are playing? If you want to spin, crash, etc. just take off the traction control in LFS and try going fast now. Good luck flooring it in 2nd gear without spinning. I have tried rFactor not long ago and I can say that the physics are better then GTR2 but I don't quite like it more then LFS. It still gas it's charms. The sound as you mentioned is great. The physics are worst then LFS simply because of the lack of tire deformation imo. You can't exactly feel that it's going to let go that much in rFactor. Maybe in some mods but I haven't tried any yet.

For single seaters, I think that NetKar Pro will be the best because they seem to specialize in that and people seem to find it the most realistic for single seaters. I tried that aswell and it is pretty damn good, better then rFactor imo. And plus, I was told by beta tester's that the new version which should be released sometime soon (I think) that the new patch will have amazing physics updates and will feel amazing.

For now, my favorite is LFS. Amazing physics, good enough graphics, sounds are alright and the online part is simply brilliant. I love the way the online part of LFS is. It's by far the best part of the game (along with the physics). Plus, bear in mind that it is not done. Don't forget that there are many physics changes that will still be made to the game before it even loses its ALPHA tag and goes BETA. The game is still in early development and yet it is better then most simulators out there. It even beats all the other simulators physics. Maybe not by too far if in good mod's with rFactor (so I've heard) but it's still better. iRacing seems to have also been very close to LFS. People seem to love it. That's why I'm tryin to get my hands on an invitation to see how it is.

So you're post is very interusting but I have to disagree on some things.

I have tried many different simulators and I am not a LFS Fanboy. I do love LFS but if something I found better came along I would probably play that but I doupt anything will even get close to the great online part of LFS. I enjoy LFS the most for now and that's how it is. I'm not erasing the other sims completly from my mind, I am trying them. But so far they're not good enough to get me away from LFS.
Natedawg's post gave me colin powel syndrome
BMW Sauber F1 came to LFS and rFactor in 2006. But in rF they released the 07 and now the 08 version of this car, and LFS stay with only the 06.
Y tryed Rfactor , and dont like it , to much Bling bling DX22 Graphics

I know have to many add on´s things , but i preffer LFS s2 , graphicaly smooth , and have better Simulation =P
Quote from Luke.S :Did you really have to bump an 8 month old thread?

Please STFU. For once in a while someone did a search, and then someone like you comes across.
Quote from pwrguido :BMW Sauber F1 came to LFS and rFactor in 2006. But in rF they released the 07 and now the 08 version of this car, and LFS stay with only the 06.

Different deal. LFS got it thanks to Intel Racing Tour, rFactor possibly thanks to BMW Pit Lane Park, and obviously was a bit more broad deal. Because no real details are available, this at least is the common explanation.
I don't think the sound is all that good in rFactor tbh ..
It may sound good an all, but not realistic. Mainly because of the way it uses samples. For example the starter sound does not fade into the engine sound, it sounds completely different, as if it has no connection to the car at all. I much prefer LFS's sound engine. You can edit sounds and it is very user-friendly. I would also disagree about the F1 car being more realistic in rFactor. The BMW F1 in rF seems to have tyres made out of concrete with the way it understeers. LFS just feels natural.

I'll just go and put my OMP flame retardent forum suit on now Just incase
I love BOTH, when I get a bit fed up of the SAME OLD TRACKS in LFS_S2Z, I go to rFactor for a bit of a change lol....

std rFactor its boring, but some of the new tracks and season/car mods are awesome, having a great time at the moment with the GTL-Mod at 60's lemans and Rouen

shame LFS can't have new tracks and real cars

Don't see why people can't enjoy them both really?

Quote from NateDawg80126 :First off, whoever thinks of rFactor as arcade like simply has not given it time, the game like every racing sim has a learning curve, it takes a while before any new sim feels authentic and real to you personally.

Quote from evilpimp : It even beats all the other simulators physics. iRacing seems to have also been very close to LFS.

iRacing doesn't take much "getting used to" since it does what you would expect. It's the only thing that I can quite comfortably say that the tire physics have LFS beat considerably, and it makes everything else look plain silly.

Necroposting is where it's at, give the guy a break!
Quote from Gills4life :I don't think the sound is all that good in rFactor tbh..
It may sound good an all, but not realistic. Mainly because of the way it uses samples. For example the starter sound does not fade into the engine sound, it sounds completely different, as if it has no connection to the car at all. I much prefer LFS's sound engine. You can edit sounds and it is very user-friendly.

Do a test. Show LFS and rFactor to many many persons, and each time, ask them what sound is the most realistic. Then shout at them they are stupid because they do not understand LFS sound is more realistic than stupid tape records of real cars, because it uses shorter tape records of real cars, but played more often. And you will have no friends anymore (maybe you are right but you will have no friend anymore...that's destiny)
Quote from Juls :Do a test. Show LFS and rFactor to many many persons, and each time, ask them what sound is the most realistic.

Yeah, but you see; I don't give a hoot about those people. I care about me. Their ignorance is their problem. To me there's no comparison.
Quote from Juls :Do a test. Show LFS and rFactor to many many persons, and each time, ask them what sound is the most realistic. Then shout at them they are stupid because they do not understand LFS sound is more realistic than stupid tape records of real cars, because it uses shorter tape records of real cars, but played more often. And you will have no friends anymore (maybe you are right but you will have no friend anymore...that's destiny)

I don't think that 0.02 seconds or something long "engine pulse" sample or whatever from which most of the engine noise is made of is a recording from any kind of car. I don't know how DaveWS created those, but if you extract the sound file through Shift+A editor and play it, you hear just a short "pop".

Might be that I misunderstood what you were saying.
Tbh people seem to be giving a sample based sound system far too much flack. It's hardly 'on or off', and I have to say the sounds in the Historic mod for example offer far more immersion than the LFS system.
Quote from wien :Yeah, but you see; I don't give a hoot about those people. I care about me. Their ignorance is their problem. To me there's no comparison.

I know I have no friends anymore.
Quote from deggis :I don't know how DaveWS created those,

IIRC he started with a sample of a gun shot and went from there. Makes sense really.
Quote from Inouva :Y tryed Rfactor , and dont like it , to much Bling bling DX22 Graphics

I know have to many add on´s things , but i preffer LFS s2 , graphicaly smooth , and have better Simulation =P

There is hardly any "bling bling" in rFactor
Well simple as simple.... Here if you want to differentiate the Game mods and specs of the games

Live for Speed:

there are lots of differences, coz if the game have the same features? well there's no talking about copies and copyrights of cars and mods here.

in LFS cars:
XF GTR looks like a renault
RB4 GT looks like a Toyota Supra
in rFACTOR cars:
2005 Rayzor RC1: looks like Audi car
2005 ZR Z-Type: looks like Audi Sedan Sports also

But they just have similarity made cars not exactly the same as real ones.
Just because developers need to ask permission to a car company to copy exactly the same car as they will use in the game.

Quote :Let the flam wars begin!

Isnt it this is the difference of the game?
if you want to play LFS ? just play LFS
if you want to play rFACTOR then go play rFACTOR.
but not Let the flam wars begin!.
Both sims have their pros & cons. I own them both, I enjoy them both (although I'm a lot more... fluent in LFS )

Rfactor vs LFS
(1872 posts, started )