GPU Mem usage, XRT and a bunch of other texture mods:
BL1: 85.1 MB
KY3:78.7 MB
WE1:80.2 MB
AS5:78.3 MB

I chose the tracks with the most distance, figuring it would use more memory.
So, you've yet to push my 128MB 9800PRO anywhere near its limit. hehe
I don´t recognize any frame drops using your awesome hires textures. Keep it going! I´m already looking forward to the south city pack! Thanks for the effort!

Athlon 3200+ 2,4 GHZ, Point of View 7800 GT 470/1150, 1 GB PC3200 400 Mhz RAM.
LFS Database Mirror

I didn't notice a significant Frame rate drop with these Textures, just a bit longer loading times when selecting a new Track.
#79 - axus
Looking fantastic! I love it!
If you mean you'd like some screenshots- I can do that once I get home. You probably won't notice any major differences - mainly small improvements and little details (and niggling things that needed to be fixed), but it's worth a download.

Glad to hear that folks aren't having trouble with their game performance. That's nothing surprising if you've a modern system- my computer's almost 3 years old, a fairly average system by today's standards (P4 3.2gz, 1gig RAM, 256mb X800pro) and if anything LFS feels smoother and more stable than when I first started playing- although this is probably due to LFS being better coded since then, and graphic driver improvements.

I guess the ultimate test would be to experiment on some laptops with inbuilt graphics. Also any gfx card with less than 128mg memory would I imagine start to struggle- but those cards are quite old now.
i got 2gb of gpu memory here

well i did have. i sold my two 7950gx2's (aka quad sli) last night.

using a 256mb 7800gtx untill my pre-order'd two ati X2900XT-X's arive aka there newest card the R650 core. not releised yet, due releised next week

the x2900xt-x is over 1/4 better than the 8800
#83 - Jakg
if you don't mind me asking, what CPU do you have?
intel E6600 at 3.6ghz on liquid cooling, but iv just ordered a Q6600 processor
ooo iv found a problem electric kar with the gravel.

theres grass in the gravel some reason dont know why.

but great updates so far tho (btw quick low quality screenshot used MSpaint lol)
Attached images
#86 - Jakg
Quote from Jimmy_Lemon :intel E6600 at 3.6ghz on liquid cooling, but iv just ordered a Q6600 processor

just wondered, as any CPU that was out when the Quad-SLi solution first rolled up would bottleneck an R600, but you've got that covered
yup i know thanks for your concern tho mate. nice to know some people take a intrest
Quote from Electrik Kar :If you mean you'd like some screenshots- I can do that once I get home. You probably won't notice any major differences - mainly small improvements and little details (and niggling things that needed to be fixed), but it's worth a download.

Glad to hear that folks aren't having trouble with their game performance. That's nothing surprising if you've a modern system- my computer's almost 3 years old, a fairly average system by today's standards (P4 3.2gz, 1gig RAM, 256mb X800pro) and if anything LFS feels smoother and more stable than when I first started playing- although this is probably due to LFS being better coded since then, and graphic driver improvements.

I guess the ultimate test would be to experiment on some laptops with inbuilt graphics. Also any gfx card with less than 128mg memory would I imagine start to struggle- but those cards are quite old now.

That's nothing, my ride is seven years old and still running all your texture to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote :pre-order'd two ati X2900XT-X's

Pardon my asking Jimmy, but what are you going to do with two of those things? Isn't that a bit of an overkill?
#90 - Jakg
not necesarily, it now looks as if the XTX's will be only slightly faster than 8800GTX's in SLi, but will be cheaper, although that's overkill
well, i dont play just lfs

i know a few games that will bring two x2900's to there knees
#92 - Jakg
care to tell us about these games? Oblivion with the huge texture mod runs flat out on a single 8800GTX
oblivions graphics care rubbish really. it just looks good close up because of all the stuff. but all the little stuff added are low quality really.

btw tryed "armed assault" two 8800gtx's cant run it full detail at more than 60fps.
#94 - Jakg
theres a difference between requireing power to look good and being badly optimized

Also, is 60 fps that low?
yup. 60fps is instant motion picture. anything below is delayed from the graphics card to the screen.

#96 - Jakg
so you have a 60 HZ monitor? please say its big!
Quote from Jakg :theres a difference between requiring power to look good and being badly optimized

Aint that the truth

Oh dear ...He can't get ArmA running at more than 60fps....That must be awful for him quick..rush out and spend hundreds of pounds..ArmA's unplayable at less than 60fps

Back to topic...
Still no FPS drops with the latest texture update even on my xp2400/9700pro(128mem)/1 gig ram setup.
Looking good and running sweet, Electrik, Thanks.
Let's try to keep this about lower spec hardware. My fault I guess...
well. i can get over 150fps on armed asault if i lower it from ultra high to just high and yes it does look good still. but i have the greed for ultra high.

and yes i have a 60hz monitor. the smaller the monitor the higher resolution it supports where as i have a 32" 1020 HD monitor.
Quote from Jimmy_Lemon :and yes i have a 60hz monitor. the smaller the monitor the higher resolution it supports where as i have a 32" 1020 HD monitor.

please say thats a typo