Just a quick post to say that the updated Aston is ready (2.0c)
Dear Mr. Kar, on behalf of my 7950GT i thank you for trying to utilize the memory sitting spare on my card
Next Great Job Ekar

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Quote from unseen :You do know it`s still going to look low-res to you Jimmy, don`t ya?

2560x1600 :P

even my attempt at re-creating autox (which looks like gravel rofl) is better than the standard textures at my res, cant wait for these ones to be done tho as i do alot of autocross making layouts etc for fun
Stuck like Ape Glue now.

Not really supposed to have more than 5 stickies, but seeing Don and Kid's high res skies are stuck I'll stick this too.
Quote from Highsider9 :Here's the direct LFS Database Link, this one should work.

Edit: Link removed. We're back online again.

Ok, since the higher-res track textures are stickied like Ape Glue (?) now (thanks again to XCNuse) I thought I'd better tidy up the front post. It should be less confusing now.

PS, if anyone missed it there's a road and curbs update for Aston which overwrites the recent 2.0c update. Curbs are closer in style to original curbs, and there are added marks on the road which makes it a bit more lively looking. The update can be found here

Quote from Electrik Kar :Just a quick post to say that the updated Aston is ready (2.0c)

Erm, did you forget your FTP user name and password or something? You've not updated them on the SimFIA server.
Hi Dygear. !

Haven't forgotten, just wanting to get things into shape before uploading to your host. My intention is to get everything done to date packed into one zip, but before I do that there are some small changes I would like to make to certain textures, and I've been travelling in the east of Turkey the past week so I haven't had any time for this stuff. The pack will include Blackwood, Aston, Kyoto and Westhill, and possibly AutoX if Unseen would like to include it.
Hi, just downloaded your textures, and i must say it's just BETTER, simply awesome!
A question on the fly: are you planning to do Fern Bay?
I just wanted to download your Aston package, but its not on your ftp anymore or the link is broken. Could you please update it?
All my track texture links are pointing to LFS Database, which has been down for weeks, something serious must have gone wrong over there. Hope they can fix things soon.

In the meantime, you can still find Aston 2.0c and the Aston 2.0c curb and road update over at my Filefront page, which is here

Good luck!
Is it possible for you to upload the others on filefront too?
Try the link above, most stuff is on that page.
Quote from Electrik Kar :Try the link above, most stuff is on that page.

Ah ha thank you, should've checked before asking shouldn't I.

I assumed your filefront only had the Aston ones, d'oh! Got them now though, thanks! They rock mate!
Ahh fantastic.That's great work guys, much appreciated. Glad you're fully functional once again!

Soon I hope to have a nice present for you guys as well - the (hopefully) final *all-in one (*excluding South City/Fern Bay/AutoX) Higher-Res Track pack. I've been going through all the textures so far, trying to get everything looking good enough for a final release. I'm definitely confident that Kyoto's done, it's looking very nice. Blackwood and Aston still need work in various parts, most notably grass textures. Westhill's pretty much good to go. . .

It will be great to get these texture's off my chest. It just feels like never-ending work.

Updating links now...
/me missed fern bay
Excellent work Elektrik Kar.

I downloaded BL textures (including update) before few days and this is really amazing...
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :/me missed fern bay

Since he brought this up, I just have to ask: Electric Kar, will you be doing a Fern Bay texture update sometime in the future?
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Since he brought this up, I just have to ask: Electric Kar, will you be doing a Fern Bay texture update sometime in the future?

sure blame it on me >.<
I think Becky Rose made a fernbay texture, but its like desert sand /me no likes

I would much have a more "shiny" update (greener grass yadda yadda)
Not sure about Becky, I know she did some higher-res roads for all of the tracks about a year ago. Jimmy Lemon made a desert/sandy mod for Fern Bay just recently though?

I can't really think about doing FB until finishing off the other tracks, minus SO of course. That's O.K., they're nearly ready... perhaps by tomorrow the .zip will go out. I want to make it easy for people to download just one file for the tracks, and if I'd spent time including FB, it would be a while before you'd see a full pack. It must be getting confusing for people again- having to download each track, and then the separate updates as well- so, it's really time to put together everything thus far. I've really spent a lot of time tweaking many textures, so it will probably be worthwhile downloading the big .zip, although casually observing you probably won't notice many changes.
Quote from Electrik Kar :Not sure about Becky, I know she did some higher-res roads for all of the tracks about a year ago. Jimmy Lemon made a desert/sandy mod for Fern Bay just recently though?

I can't really think about doing FB until finishing off the other tracks, minus SO of course. That's O.K., they're nearly ready... perhaps by tomorrow the .zip will go out. I want to make it easy for people to download just one file for the tracks, and if I'd spent time including FB, it would be a while before you'd see a full pack. It must be getting confusing for people again- having to download each track, and then the separate updates as well- so, it's really time to put together everything thus far. I've really spent a lot of time tweaking many textures, so it will probably be worthwhile downloading the big .zip, although casually observing you probably won't notice many changes.

That's awesome, I was looking forward for a single file pack