The online racing simulator
Database of the fuel-usage
(20 posts, started )
#1 - Sk0rp
Database of the fuel-usage

Do we have a database where all fuel usage of every car on every track is listed? I would like it very much to have a paper next to me when playing LFS ;-)

Perhaps anyone has noted it on a paper for personal use.
I would like to build the database up, if the community helps me to fill it with the right values.
I was thinking of this a few days ago...

I think for it to be done properly, there needs be fuel records for both slow and fast times. Because not everyone gets the same fuel usage, it depends on how they drive.

So if someone succeeded in doing this VERY huge task, it would definitely be helpful, but hard to get proper results.

So the fuel per lap usage should be measure in like an average fuel usage, and list a slow lap time /w fuel usage and a fast lap time /w fuel usage, so you know for sure.
^ Yeah, that tool is exactly what you asked for and really handy, but you have to take into account that fuel consumption depends heavily on your driving style. It can differ several tenths of a percent between drivers.
By the way. I would like to fill the cars with a certain among of fuel in liters or gallons and not in percentages.

For example: I have a car which can be filled with 100 liters. I need them all to finish a race and want to start with 60 liters and 40 liters shall be refilled during pitstop. With real liters I can make a stop after 1/3, the half or nearly up to 2/3 of the racing distance and the missing 40 liters will be refielled during pitstop.

But if i'm refilling percantages I have to consumpt everything. If I refill from 10% to 40% I would only refill 30 liters instead 40. So I haven't enough fuel to finish the race. So I'm very constraint to make the pit stop at a certain time, which makes varying the pit stop strategie during the race nearly impossible.
Percentages just makes it easier to calculate in my opinion. If you are doing a 10 lap race, and your car uses say... 2.8 or 2.9 percent of fuel per lap, I would probably go with using 30% fuel (2.9 x 10 = 29). Simple.

And lets say I pit in on lap 5 and had 5% fuel left (just assuming we do -- probably not possible in a normal race). I know that I have 5 more laps to do, so that would mean I would need to fill to 15% (mentally I think of 3.0 x 5). Pretty easy if you know your multiplication .

Still, I think the pit menu thing should calculate how many more laps you could complete according to what lap you are on in the race, how many laps are left, and if you pit, how much fuel you would need to finish the race. I think this would be very possible, and very helpful, since us drivers don't always make good pit captains
Quote from Tweaker : Pretty easy if you know your multiplication .

What's your point? illepall

Do you think I don't know fundamental arithmetic operations?

Put the case you want to stop 1 lap earlier, e.g. because you have been involved in an accident, and you refill from 8% (5% remains due to you're example + 3% saved, due to driving 1 lap less) to 15%, you only refilled 7% not 15%. But 15% is far to less anyway, because you need 18% fuel (6 rounds *3 %) .

I think it's much better if you know you have to refill a certain among of liters and it doesn't matter if I make a pit stop in round 4, 5 or 6 in a 10 lap race.
Quote from Sunday Driver :By the way. I would like to fill the cars with a certain among of fuel in liters or gallons and not in percentages.

For example: I have a car which can be filled with 100 liters...

If your car has a 100 litre fuel tank then what's the difference between using litres and percentages? illepall

What you're asking for is a change in the refuelling system such that you specify the amount of fuel to add during a pitstop rather than the total fuel load at the end of a pitstop.
Quote from StewartFisher :If your car has a 100 litre fuel tank then what's the difference between using litres and percentages? illepall

Because it's an example which should make things easier to understand.

Quote from StewartFisher :What you're asking for is a change in the refuelling system such that you specify the amount of fuel to add during a pitstop rather than the total fuel load at the end of a pitstop.

Excellent. You got it. :top:

By the way: Due to the high gasoline prices I would prefer if my real car would drive with percentages too instead of expensive fuel.
didnt read all replies so i dont know if anybody said that but with different setups u also need more / less fuel. i tried it just for fun on BL1 / XFG the difference between the setups was up to 0,3% per lap.
i liked the fuel usage program tons better..
I take back everything what I said before and claim the opposite.

I've just found out that you can change the amount or better the percantage of fuel which should be refilled before a pit stop by pressing "F12", if you're forced to change your strategy.

So it's fine too as it is now.
i think each person has to make their own. a general one wouldn't work very well.

i was doing a 5 lap race on a kyoto configuration with some little race car (don't rememebrthe name). at the end of the first 5 lapper i pulled over on the grass to chat a bit. after a couple of minutes my engine stopped. out of gas. the very next race i ran out of gas AT THE LINE. i didn't feel like i changed my driving style all that much but my fuel was a bit too close for comfort.

though i'd rather have a volume of fuel than a percentage of the gas tank of the specific car for calculation purposes.

and heck, my dad's truck calculates his instantaneous fuel useage as he drives. that could be programmed in pretty easily!

Quote from Sunday Driver :I take back everything what I said before and claim the opposite.

I've just found out that you can change the amount or better the percantage of fuel which should be refilled before a pit stop by pressing "F12", if you're forced to change your strategy.

So it's fine too as it is now.

erm... "F12" and then? Sorry, but I tried with mouse and several keys, but I just can't find a way to edit the values then...
After pressing "F12" a context menue opens. There you can navigate with the arrow keys, at least in multiplayer games.
Quote from bbman :erm... "F12" and then? Sorry, but I tried with mouse and several keys, but I just can't find a way to edit the values then...

Goto your OPTIONS > CONTROLs, and select Keyboard/Mouse control.

Make sure that your UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys are NOT assigned to anything. Then switch back to wheel.

If you are using Keyboard to begin with... well ermm, you can't use the arrow keys for control and use the pit menu at the same time, you need to use different control keys
Ok, that was it... Not long ago, I drove with mouse and binded shifting and looking to the sides onto the arrow keys... Thanks guys...
#18 - ysu
it's all wrong anyway, it depends on setup & driving style and can differ greatly.
on the other hand, a few percent of extra wont' hurt, except maybe those going for a wr only. it requires around 40% fuel to make any difference which you can actually feel in the FOX, and that's a very light car. (altho it has a small tank too)
Has anybody noticed that since S2 came out, LFSWorld has been logging 'Fuel Burnt' for everybody?

So LFSWorld knows exactly hoh much fuel we all burn on average, and will probably be able to tell us sometime soon.
heck i've given up completely on that stuff.. i havent really changed my fuel from what i set it to in the first place.. 45%
that way its pretty much perfect, not to heavy and not to light, but by the time you run out its definetly time to get new tires

@colcob, i think its just gonna stay the same, its similar to like logging distances

Database of the fuel-usage
(20 posts, started )