G25 with H shifter, clutch and manual throtle blip on down shift.
ur shifter wont last u tooo long... :-/

and 7 min ???? 1 min is enough for me
nice tho.

money well spent... if u dont have much to do othewise.

Good racing, but 1 advice. You should shift with less force. In every race technique book they'll tell you that shifting shouldn't be forced but just smooth and not rushed.
It's also good to see you keep your hands on the wheel as much as possible, I see a lot of dumbasses on youtube who keep their hand on the shifter which basically half's your steering abililty.

So basically nice technique you got, but you need to work on your shifting a bit.
Most real racing books would advise that speed comes from "economy of movement", getting the job done with the minimum amount of force required.

All racing books will tell you that drivers with Mechanical Sympathy are much more likely to win races and secure drives for further seasons. I'm not sure the linkages on a few real cars could stand that amount of unnecessary force! You can be fast AND smooth you know.

Just my two pence of course.
In the next vid can we get a view of just your feet work. Also are you using the original G25 pedals?
my friend does that to my G25 shifter, it makes me cringe everytime he changes gear...
Could not watch the entire video. That shifting was way too forceful. If someone was driving my A4 and did that, they would leave the car with a black eye.
i agree with them....FAR to forceful....its almost like your TRYING to break it...
#9 - Mc21
your shifter, poor poor shifter, must feel so ill. genetly ftw. if you can't, go onto a cruise server.