My thoughts. People generally don't change, they grow up. They mature. That is not "I've changed my ways". That is a fact of getting older. Though, not everyone grows up and matures as they get older. There are plenty just here in LFS who have never matured, yet are older. They get on the servers, crash and wreck (not meaning purposefully here), then get all bent outa shape when someone tries to help them. Or the opposite happens when people get all bent outta shape because of a newbie or less skilled racer is on the track with them.
"Once a wrecker always a wrecker" doesn't work for me. I've done my share of mischief as a youngster, which is all the wrecker attitude really is. I'm now 34 and no, I'm not getting myself into that mischief any more. I've grown up and matured (many moons ago, that is

). The unfortunate thing for Preston, is that he found out his license that he paid for just a few months ago is pretty much useless now after his "mischief". Perhaps it was a growing up lesson for him finding out that he is banned everywhere worth going to in LFS from his actions. Perhaps he has changed now due to some fast maturing and learning the consequenses of his ways. As long as he stays banned, then no one will ever know.
Preston, I really do hope you have learned and have matured a bit from this experience. It is a lesson of growing up, that everything you do may have consequenses held against you.
Good luck to you. Nice to see you come here with a public apology. Whether it is because you are upset that you can't go on the servers and have your "fun" anymore or the fact that you have matured from this we can't know. But coming here with the apology is a nice gesture and I hope a sincere gesture.