Public Apology
(132 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Leifde :Unfortunately it happens in real life racing, people don't like newer people being faster and in front of them.

@Preston - good to see you're trying to change your ways although I would have thought a better time to do it would have been when I kicked you off Moo.

Yea, well I dont think Ill be able to get back into Moo for awhile?
Sorry but you won't be able to get into Moo at all. Unless you get like 100 WRs, then maybe we'll consider you
Quote from Leifde :Sorry but you won't be able to get into Moo at all. Unless you get like 100 WRs, then maybe we'll consider you

what is WR's?
feed him to the lions!
WRs are World Records. They are registered by uploading the replay of a hotlapping session to LFSWorld.

And about the discussion whether people change or not, this is purely personal based on experiences. Preston will still be the same guy, he can change his behaviour from wrecking to an adult racing behaviour.
Quote from (SaM) :
And about the discussion whether people change or not, this is purely personal based on experiences. Preston will still be the same guy, he can change his behaviour from wrecking to an adult racing behaviour.

I hope he can change, but the chance he will is very small. The way I see him is a boy who is pissed because he can't wreck people anymore.
Give him a chance, he took the stand and made a thread to help himself change. Not many wreckers would do that. I am not saying he is 100% still a wrecker, and I am not saying he is 100% not a wrecker anymore. You have to give someone a chance to prove himself, even if it is his second time. Not everyone makes a good first impression and I know sometime in YOUR own life (all of you) have made a bad first impression. Give him a chance and if it doesn't work out, then you can decide what to do.
I think he should receive the death penalty for crimes against humanity.
There's 2 type of Sam's. The above and me.

Instead of why you wrecked, I'm more curious to what made you stop? What changed ?
spotted him on our server on monday. I was about to bann him but suddenly he was gone so he got off with nothing there.
Quote from Jakg :no offence, but YOUR the one thats caused this, you being banned is not a punishment, its protection for the good clean racers not to get wrecked by some immature twat, like most wreckers seem to be, if you say you've changed, then great, but how can you prove it?

who do you think you are? People like you are sub human. The guy says sorry and it is only a game. Lay off you twat. This game is slowly becoming quite crap because its all too easy to ban people. If you get wrecked by some idiot the next race you may not give as much space as normally. Then after a vote you get banned. Its not that important coz got some great online games but not being able to race again over a few incidents is pathetic. A ban should be for a month max.
Quote from Astro [ BJRL ] :Instead of why you wrecked, I'm more curious to what made you stop? What changed ?

From the sound of things I'd say he was banned from all the best/most used servers and has now found that he has nowhere to race.

...and wrecking is not 'noobing' around.
Quote from Bontemps :who do you think you are? People like you are sub human. The guy says sorry and it is only a game. Lay off you twat. This game is slowly becoming quite crap because its all too easy to ban people. If you get wrecked by some idiot the next race you may not give as much space as normally. Then after a vote you get banned. Its not that important coz got some great online games but not being able to race again over a few incidents is pathetic. A ban should be for a month max.

For your information, I banned Preston because he came on a server that I help pay for and displayed actions and tendencies that I don't care to have on my server. I expect people that race on the CoRe and LOTA servers to be respectful and clean, and I won't tolerate actions like his. If I ban a guy for this and people like you complain about it with comments like those, then I've done my job as a fair server admin. Honestly, actions like mine in those cases only make this game better, because we are protecting the integrity of the better servers and the community.
Quote from Bontemps :who do you think you are? People like you are sub human. The guy says sorry and it is only a game. Lay off you twat. This game is slowly becoming quite crap because its all too easy to ban people. If you get wrecked by some idiot the next race you may not give as much space as normally. Then after a vote you get banned. Its not that important coz got some great online games but not being able to race again over a few incidents is pathetic. A ban should be for a month max.

You are just pissed because you get yourself banned 10 times a month.
Quote from banshee56 :For your information, I banned Preston because he came on a server that I help pay for and displayed actions and tendencies that I don't care to have on my server. I expect people that race on the CoRe and LOTA servers to be respectful and clean, and I won't tolerate actions like his. If I ban a guy for this and people like you complain about it with comments like those, then I've done my job as a fair server admin. Honestly, actions like mine in those cases only make this game better, because we are protecting the integrity of the better servers and the community.

bollocks! In racing there are incidents and when its a game there are more. Sometimes it spices up the race. People like you will be happy when people say 'after you' when going into a bend. I can see people being afraid to overtake incase they get banned. Get a life fool!
Quote from Bontemps :who do you think you are? People like you are sub human. The guy says sorry and it is only a game. Lay off you twat. This game is slowly becoming quite crap because its all too easy to ban people. If you get wrecked by some idiot the next race you may not give as much space as normally. Then after a vote you get banned. Its not that important coz got some great online games but not being able to race again over a few incidents is pathetic. A ban should be for a month max.

Ah man, I missed that! You obviously haven't had much experience with wreckers or bad drivers in general.

The guy has said sorry because he has nowhere left to race because he wrecks and spoils the game for 20 other people. I think people will give him another chance and some credit for doing this but he'll have to race ultra clean.
Quote from Bontemps :bollocks! In racing there are incidents and when its a game there are more. Sometimes it spices up the race. People like you will be happy when people say 'after you' when going into a bend. I can see people being afraid to overtake incase they get banned. Get a life fool!

This guy has admitted to wrecking on purpose, thats a whole lot different to a racing incident!
The game is slowly becoming quite crap because of the amount of tossers wrecking on public servers, I find it very hard to join a random server and have some good fun races without being around some idiots who can't race so they just take people out.

It's a problem that probarly wont ever be resolved but it certainly wont be fixed if wreckers arn't banned as easily and for as long.
Quote from garph :Ah man, I missed that! You obviously haven't had much experience with wreckers or bad drivers in general.

He's one himself garph
Quote from garph :Ah man, I missed that! You obviously haven't had much experience with wreckers or bad drivers in general.

The guy has said sorry because he has nowhere left to race because he wrecks and spoils the game for 20 other people. I think people will give him another chance and some credit for doing this but he'll have to race ultra clean.

but it will get to a level where everyone will be too scared to race! Sad days ahead for this great game. Its actually more fun these days on the demo server and that was free!!! I race on the F3000 servers Redline Racing but the rest you get threatened a ban or kicked all too easily. ITS A GAME.. jeez
Quote from Bontemps :but it will get to a level where everyone will be too scared to race! Sad days ahead for this great game. Its actually more fun these days on the demo server and that was free!!! I race on the F3000 servers Redline Racing but the rest you get threatened a ban or kicked all too easily. ITS A GAME.. jeez

I think, like bawbag, it could be going the other way in some servers. You don't really have an argument and you've started out defending the wrong guy and attack the wrong people so I can see this turning into another slanging match, so I'm out.
#73 - JTbo
I have never got banned, sure there has been incidents but certainly those can't be avoided when one drives enough, I don't believe that banning will become too easy, sure some server admins might have silly policies but those servers won't be there for long.

Wreckers are a problem, wrecker is person that intentionally crashes to others, beginner with lack of skill is not necessarily wrecker, these often brake too late for T1, they don't have will to wreck but they are lacking of patience, which they should learn before entering online races, this is where AI training trick helps.

Bontemps, do you think that calling people fool will help you by any way?
Quote from Bontemps :bollocks! In racing there are incidents and when its a game there are more. Sometimes it spices up the race. People like you will be happy when people say 'after you' when going into a bend. I can see people being afraid to overtake incase they get banned. Get a life fool!

Your talking bollocks

Anyone who has raced me will know that I race hard, but I will not race unfairly. I'll squeeze people to the edge of the track and people will do it to me, that is racing hard. To my knowledge I have never been banned (well except the usual messing around on our own server ). I've met plenty of people online who also race hard, it's what makes the racing interesting. Sure when your pushing hard and fighting someone very closely you get the occasional slip up. But no one bans for those slip-ups. In my time on LFS I've probably banned maybe 2 or 3 people for wrecking.

People have no need to be worried about banned, only ones who have a reason to get banned. Do you go into a shop worrying about getting done for shop lifting?

I personally have no sympathy for Preston, to me it's more a "I'm sorry I was caught... now can you wipe the record clean and let me back in as I didn't realise how effective the banning system is."
Quote from keiran :

I personally have no sympathy for Preston, to me it's more a "I'm sorry I was caught... now can you wipe the record clean and let me back in as I didn't realise how effective the banning system is."

Well said
This thread is closed

Public Apology
(132 posts, closed, started )